Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rest In Peace Meip Gies

On a personal note I was saddened to hear yesterday the following news.......

Tributes were pouring in today for Miep Gies, who helped hide Anne Frank's family in an Amsterdam attic. Gies, who died Monday, also preserved the famous journal that became "The Diary of a Young Girl." She worked in the office of Anne's father, Otto, and in early 1942, when the Franks went into hiding, she and her husband provided food and other supplies. After the family was betrayed and arrested, she found Anne's diary and kept it until the war ended.

 Excerpts of some tributes:

New York Times -- It was Mrs. Geis’s habit to deflect accolades for defying Nazi occupiers of Amsterdam ... . But to accept that self-description would be to overlook the remarkable selflessness and courage Mrs. Gies demonstrated, an example so powerful that it continues to inspire nearly 70 years later.

The Washington Post -- Her passing represented the loss of the only connection that Anne had to the present world, and that her fans, in turn, had to her. As years passed, and the Holocaust became something that happened a generation ago, then two, then three, Gies alone was our tie.

New York Daily News -- In the end she could not save Anne and her family from betrayal to the Nazis, even by risking all to protect them. But it was Gies who preserved the young girl's diary that will echo through the ages as an expression of faith in the face of incomprehensible evil.

On a ligther not I was happy to hear that Meip lived to be 100 years old and of course turned the home where the Frank's were hidden into a museum.  Meip was instrumental in keeping the story of Anne and her family alive and for reminding us  "NEVER AGAIN".  Rest in Peace my dear Meip, I know Ann is waiting for you in heaven to thank you personally for everything.  One person can make a  difference!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad in today's society we do not have many of these kind of heroes like Meip.
    This woman put everything including her very life on the line to help Anne and her family.
    I know that she now shines in the sunlight of God's love. Reunited with Anne and maybe watching over those that are today hiding away from things in life, much like Anne hiding from the Nazi's.
    To me she is a angel of all those that must hide from who they are, whether that be because of religious affiliation,sexual orientation, the color of their skin, or their choices in life.
    Someday I hope we all will live in the light where no one has to hide. Where we all shine brightly "somewhere over the rainbow."
