Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Till The Clouds Roll by.... Ad and other related things

You know for the first time in a long I finally feel like I have a voice! I feel as I am speaking and maybe it is because I have blogged every day this new year so far but I think it is more.

I think it is because I am finally speaking from my heart; openly, honestly, frankly and holding very little back. There is teh Oz/Judy collecting still and part of it is my new attitude.

Some Christians run around with this attitude of "What would Jesus Do", well gang my attitude here lately is "What would JUDY do"! Now I know Judy is no Jesus or vice a versa but it has changed the way I look at things.

I see Judy as this hell cat fighter, someone who did not give up easily. Someone like myself that had their problems and issues but fought and FOUGHT hard for what they had.

Judy had and has talent, so do I. Maybe not exactly singing like she did but none the less talent. While finally I am doing something to pursue it, advance that talent and make something of my self with that talent.

I in many ways see Judy as my muse, my inspiration, my guardian angel and for me personally this incredible role model flaws and all.

Well today's collectible is an old print ad for the movie "Till The Clouds Roll By" and this is one of Judy's movies I have not seen as of yet. It is a huge cast of stars and from what I have heard about the movie Judy like most of the others makes a cameo appearance and if I am correct singing behind a sink of dirty dishes as she is pregnant with Liza.

For me the title fits today post on many different levels. The first is it somewhat goes along with the post I did about Dr. Franky DOlan and his loss. It also goes along withthe response that post got written by a friend of mine Christina. BY the way kiddo----HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Chicago Mom! Sometimes I think the skies clear for a while the clouds roll by and we get a reprieve from our usual daily grind.

The illness may not be as bad that day, their may be a great movie on TV we catch, we have a great book to read, we get that loving call from a friend and the day brightens.  Those days may be few and precious but I am thankful for them.

I want to close today's post with a piece I wrote two nights ago......

The Night is Over

The horror of the night is over
The stillness is gone
The silence has faded
Into the light of day

The demons vanquished
The fear has gone
The day has begun.

Once the starving child
Shivering in the freezing cold
Unloved, unwanted, starving
Dressed in rags

No home,
No family,
No one who cares.

Day has dawned
Its rays beaming
Over the mountains

He finds the strength
To carry himself out
Of the place
Of that Hell.

A place he has
Lived for far to long
A place he should
Have left long ago.

Day has dawned
He has learned
To rely on himself
To find the answers

To nourish himself
To clothe himself
To love himself.

For if he can not
Do that for himself
Who will or can?

To be his own hero
To be his own Savior
To conquer the demons

Of what was
Of what is
Of what could be.

Bravely facing the unknown
For the first time in his life
Boldly taking the first steps

Into the unknown
Guarded by the hope that
The Night is Over.

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