Sunday, January 24, 2010

Signs of the current future

Well no new news on the Oz/Judy collecting front for right now as the near whole weekend was spent doing homework. Beginning to think maybe 3 classes this semester was a little ambitious but I am going to stick it out.

I am going to tomorrow to see if I will be eligible for a tutor for my History of Civilization 2 Class as that took most of the study time, and will let all of you know what the outcome of that is when I know.

In the meantime keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I can stay afloat as they say this semester and that in the end my grades will be good as well.

I am still inthe process of reading the last of the Aunt Jane's Nieces books as well and once I finish I will post my reveiw.  Also of interest I have 9 days before I met with the staff at the fashion school!  Where has the time gone?

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