Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thoughts for the day----dreams of Garland

Well I didn't take the chance to sit and let everyone know what happened with school yesterday. I guess I was just so tired after a full day I needed the rest.  I was approved for the tutor, all they have to do know is find one for me, which I feel is a huge step in the right direction. The amount of homework this semester already has been a lot but I am so far staying ahead of it, it has taken a lot of work but I feel like I am proving how badly I want it.  I know in the long run it is going to be worth it in the end.

It has happened again, and when it does I am so eternally grateful that it does, Judy has come to me in my dreams. Now I know that more than likely this seems utterly silly, but for me these "visits with her" make my world a brighter place and I feel as if I get the chance to know her more than I do. Than again, maybe it is just an over active imagination on my part and some slight insanity .

It was I am assuming Hollywood. I do know it was the the late 1940's to early 1950's that this dream took place, but beyond that the details are fuzzy. This should be my first clue that it was a dream as in 1940 I wasn't even a thought in my mother's mind.  Judy and I are sitting in this incredibly well furnished workroom/studio where I am sitting and making dresses for Judy. Me working on Ms. Garland's gowns, can you even imagine? Personal, private information about what she will be wearing next and where it is to be worn before anyone, anywhere knows about it. The private fittings, those intimate details only a dressmaker knows about you.

We are sitting at a small, neat desk and laughing and just casually chatting her holding my hand the entire time. She looks me dead in the eye and says "You know, darling your the only designer that knows me so perfectly like a book. You dress me like no other and the amount of talent in your creations, well darling it is what keeps me coming back".

I smile and thank her, simply saying "Judy I only want the best for you always have, and always will". I wake up and am just all warm and fuzzy, slight tears in my eyes. I know this is never going to happen, Judy has been gone 41 years this June but somehow, in someway I feel recharged, encouraged knowing I am taking the right steps to make my dreams happen and that Judy approves.  I know your thinking my G-d in heaven he is a fruitcake to even be sharing this with us and maybe your right but in my thinking somehow it is a glimpse into my own psyche.  You knows maybe it is just over work, in the mean time though thaks Judy for the visit and thanks for believing in me.

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