Monday, March 22, 2010

Rainy day's and Monday's

Well another sure sign of spring today our first March shower and brother has it rained, some lightening tonight but no real thunder.  I got back my History of Civilization 2 test today and I am thriled beyond words, I got a 94%--unfreaking believable huh!

I started the hem in the jacket as well as the lace around the neckline which that I am doing all by hand.  I think I am out of my mind that or I have issues of being a perfectionist. Which if you know me well it is a little of both .

I was speaking with a friend of mine today over lunch and it hit me big time that for me fashion has really almost taken over my entire life as I know it.  It is all I think about from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed.  It is finally what I was born to do!  Doll work has been slow because of all the homework and the bad economy, but if I have to be honest my heart is JUST NOT IN IT anymore!  Sad but true, it is a shame in way as I know so much about the topic.  It seems like at times I just dread doing it,maybe the feeling will pass.  If it doesn't I guess I just deal with it till I have all the current work done and picked up.

When not thinking fashion my mind still revolves around my idol Judy Garland, will till the day I die.  Thereis some sad news my home PC which all ofmy Judy pictures did a memory dump so I LOST EVERYTHING!  Al  my Judy pictures, all my Oz pictures, my play that I have workedon for over a year, all the fashion stuff I had on it gone!  It is going to take foreverto get it all back but I guess I am going to at least try.

Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together!

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