Tuesday, March 23, 2010

waiting for Spring break

Another day another dollar some say, but actually my question is where is the dollar?  I have some photographs of the guest bedroom Jim and I finished last year that I want to get  to get developed so I can post them here and let you all see some of my handy work.  Painting class is going well and our assignment about Pschysological space is about done.  I want to to show that picture here as well as I feel it is one of the most powerful things I have ever done.  Use of color and space to show emotion, it has been challenging but I have grown so much in the process.

I got my midterm letter of excellence today from the school and for the first time in a long time I have felt very proud of my achievements, I know I have never worked harder in my life for it.  As I have said before in this space I just want it so damn bad!  I don't know if I could articualte how badly I want it.  I just know I do.  Things here have been pretty much the same, but I am really looking forward to Spring Break and some downtime.  The fatigue seems to be acting up again and it has me somewhat concerned about the Spring semester but I know I have to pull through somehow and just do all the hours that will be required of me.

Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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