Sunday, March 7, 2010

Some thoughts for the day

Sorry I have not posted since Thursday but things have been hectic and I have not quite felt like myself the last few days. There is so much to write about, where does one begin?

Thursday night we had our Cleveland Playhouse season tickets and we went and saw Xanadu. A rather silly musical based on the Olivia Newton John movie of the same name. The movie as many of you know was a HUGE flop and while the play has no huge story line, it does have all the original music from the movie. It was light hearted, silly, very Eighties complete with leg warmers and it kept your toes tapping while you sang along at points. Would I have spent big bucks to see it, probably not but as part of our season tickets it was fun.

The weather is finally warming up a little and the snow is finally melting--hurrah and on the side of the house I can see the starts of daffodils popping out of the ground! Spring my friends is finally one its way. The dogs seem a little sad I think because they JUST LOVE the snow and until the grass is dry and green there is isn't much to play in outside. Although Toto does love running in circles in the mud!

As many of you are aware if your into the news like I am Marie Osmond's Michael Blosil committed sucide Friday night leaping from his eighth floor apartment building he was only eighteen years old.  There are a few reasons I bring this up.  The first is Michael was a student of the Fashion Design and Merchandising, the school that was featured on the Los Angeles season of "Project Runway".  We will never know what wonderful and creative things Michael could have created. (Michael is the eldest in the photogrpah on the side).  And when a fellow designer dies I for one take notice.  It is so tragic and sad that he saw no other way.

The second is the Osmonds have gone on record saying that his suicide was because of his long battle with severe depression, which I am not denying or making light of in any way.  Depression can and does many things to lead to some people to desperate actions, myself included.  In my own life time there have been two periods where I tried committing suicide by overdosing.  This topic is very close to my heart and I understand what leads to this.  I have been fortunate both times and friends rescued me who were near at the time and for that I am grateful.  It was a long painful road that lead to that period of my life and it was a long road out of that period as well.

This statement from the Osmonds has brought some heat especially from the likes of movie/television star Roseanne Barr.

"Marie Osmond's poor gay son killed himself because he had been told how wrong and how sick he was every day of his life by his church and the people in it. Calling that 'depression' is a lie!

"Hey, I want her and all the gay kids in the world to know that they are just fine being gay and that they deserve love and respect instead of insults and rebuke! I have gay people in my family and my circle of friends and I am kicking bigot ass and taking names!
"Yet even though the people they say they love the most in all of their public displays and speeches (THEIR KIDS AND FAMILY!!) are gay,-- their own children, for crying out loud- these people cannot find the Christian decency and compassion within themselves to stop their hypocritical gay bashing!! How sickening. I know so many Mormon kids who were gay and committed suicide, and I just cannot and will not stay quiet in order to not offend bigots anymore. It is all so terribly depressing.  Roseanne Barr, writing on her personal blog.

While I am not in any means endorsing what Roseanne said I find it interesting to say the least that she is the only one who brings up his sexuality and she is the only one talking about.  Religion for the most part can be for many a very oppressive and condemning aspect to many people just not gays and I find that statement very sad indeed.  If this statement is true about his sexuality I would hope that Marie has the hutzpah to honor her son, his life and this horrific tragedy by becoming a very vocal advocate and supporter of PFLAG (Parents Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and changing the lives of those who feel like there is no other way out. 

I am here to say there is someone who knows what it is like, someone who has been there and someone who understands.  Someone who cares for you and is there to help you through it.  I just wish more people would be as open, receptive and caring---then maybe

Until next time I am so glad we had this time together and that you contiue to come back and read .

The following "Youtube" post does contain include use of profanity, but please keep in mind that the "letter" is very real. THE TREVOR PROJECT

If you need to call the Trevor Hotline...

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