Monday, March 8, 2010

My Very own Best and Worst Oscar List

Ok, I have never done this in my life, but I thought since I am now in school for fashion that I needed to do my own Best and Worst Dressed List from the Oscar's which was last night.  A brief list of 3 stars each from the lowest to the highest in my own opinion.  Besides I thought it fun and who knows maybe someday I could replace Blackwell and his infamous list

 I was one of those people who didn't finish watching all of the Oscar's as last night I just felt awful.  Probably the worst I have felt in months and am somewhat better today so i wasn't to much into the whole HEIGHT of Hollywood fashion last night watching in my jammies.  Anyway.......

In third place for Best Dressed is...... Sandra Bullock in Marchesa, now I know she made some worst dressed lists for this dress but I simply loved it.  The gold coloring, the exquisite lace work and it reminded me very much of Old Hollywood glamour.

In second place for Best Dressed is..........Mo'nique in her Cobalt Blue draped and cinched Tadashi gown.  Monique was STUNNING!  Reminding me of the great Billie Holiday and was one of the most remembered acceptance seeches of the night!

In first place for Best Dressed is........ None other than the wonderful Cameron Diaz in her Oscar de la Renta Fall 2010 Collection Gown.  It gets NO BETTER than Cameron in my opinion, she also carried a Roger Vivier Haute Couture Clutch.  Shoes were a Satin pump by Brian Atwood and jewelry by Cartier. Cameron darling you were absolutely positively FIERCE!

Now unto the worst dressed and kids there were a few stars that just got it All Wrong! 

In third place for WORST Dressed......... Sarah Jessica Parker, I know kids big shocker huh! I normally love Sarah and he exquisite clothing, especially what she wears on Sex In the City.   Sarah wore Chanel Haute Couture and while I am a HUGE fan of everything Chanel this was simply dreadful.  It hung on her and she looked like an anorexic clothes hanger with a "Valley of the Dolls" Hairdo.  There was no shape, no contour and those rosettes just made it dreadful.  Sarah sweetie there is always next time.

In second place for Worst Dressed......  Zoe Saldana in her Lilac Givenchy gown.  She was this confusing complication of purple tones and textures.  It for me had a very bad Carnival feel to it and felt very weighted.  A Big mistake!

In First place for the WORST  Dressed......  Diane Kruger.  G-d where do I even begin .  I hate wrting awful things about Chanel but this Elaborate Chanel felt like three dresses in one.  The Draping, the black what ever that was around her kneck, waist and knees oh lord .  The hair made her look like Macaulay Culkin in drag--child it wasn't pretty in anyway.  Her wardrobe person needs to be released.

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