Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Workin' It by RuPaul

I admit it I HAD to read this book, the minute it came out I had to have it. I know it wil never be a New York Times Best Seller but this fun, campy advice book is all heart and then some. "Workin" It: RuPaul's Guide to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Style" is this light frothy confection that I read in an afternoon, because once I started I couldn't put it down.

This is Rupaul's second book and while a paperback it for me was worth the investment, would it be for you who knows but I DO reccomend this.  With advice on life, drag, diet, wigs, makeup, style and happiness this book came of as a help self style of read for me and the photogrpahs well dahlinks they are FIERCE!  At $20.00 at Borders this for me me is the MUST READ book of the year!

Published by Harper Collins Publishers this gem is 176 pages in length and LOADED with exquisite photograhs including Rupaul dressed as both Michelle and Barack Obama.

Some advice from Rupaul:


"If you say your going to do something, then by George, you better do it.  Being true to word is important because you don;t want to lose trust in yourself.  Lying is despicable, and when you can't even trust yourself it's the worst.  It goes back to the concept that there's only one of us here".

In the mean time I am so glad we had this time together.

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