Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another post for today

Not sure why I am posting twice in the same day, I thnk part of it is just this idea from the earlier post that I need to talk, I need somebody to really listen to what is being said.  The silence can be maddening, deafening if you will even.  For me there is too much silence it far outweighs everything else.  Is it going to change?  If it has a chance of changing I have to do it, noone else is going to change it for me.  I need to put a real voice to what I am feeling, what I need to say.  If by chance the person I talk with can not or will not respond then I guess I move on to the next person until I find someone I can honestly speak with.

They say you have to be comfortable in your own skin before you can give anything to anyone and well I know that is not my problem.  I know who I am, what I want, what I need and it just seems that for the most part it is missing.

A neighbor last week said "I was to self engrossed to see anything else"  that maybe partially true but isn't part of that being able to connect with someone also wanting to honestly share in their life as well?  Being the someone they can honestly talk with as well.  Maybe I just expect to much, maybe I need to much, maybe just maybe I am the only one that feels this way about my life and I have it to beign with--honestly I don't see that but hey I am entitled to my opinion right?

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