Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Partially registered for Fall Classes and Twitter

Well first of all kids I want to announce as of last night I have gone modern and am on Twitter.  My screen name is Charliedale9966 and would love to have you follow me on Twitter.  Not sure yet how active I will be, but it is exciting to say the least to be involved with something it seems like everyone is doing.

Of course the blog will still be up and running and here is where you can get all the "dirt" so to speak.  Speaking of which I have to talk with my student advisor about part of the fall classes I want to take but as of this morning I am enrolled into French 1 and College Writing 2 for the Fall Semester.  Of course there is still summer to complete which I am really looking forward to.

This is of course if Project Runway says no to my application but there seems like there maybe some chances to advance myself in fashion design if they say no, I just have to figure out how to do that.  I mean I have accomplishments either way--I have a life before and I will if they choose to have me will have a life after.  I am hoping beyond hope they say at least yes to the next step and an in person interview--I can guess I only wait, and that kids is nerve wracking.

Its official I am a 100% Gleek, if your not in the know that means fan of  the televeision show "Glee".  Last night was just increbible.  First off Kristin Chenoweth on the show and kids that girl has some serious lungs.  Than there was that performance by Kurt, "A House Is Not A Home".  Lordy that guy moved me, it was if he was singing to me.  I know I am an emotional mess but hey somebody has to do it.  I only starting watching Glee about 4 weeks ago but boy AM I HOOKED.  It is one of 2 shows I don't miss--guess the other !

What I wouldn't do to design something for Glee, I think I would pee--silly me made a rhyme !  I guess its one of those odd mood days and I feel as since I have had over 100 people read in 3 days that somebody really is listening and that we are in some way connecting.

I thnk that is the one aspect in my life that is lacking the most, this sense of real connection to someone else.  It seems as if a lot of what I have is surface connection and I would love more with some of the people in my life.  How does somebody do that, without being intrusive, pushy and seeming needy?  Is being needy such a bad thing?  They say your lucky if you have one real deep friendship and I have had it.  Notice past tense there, and when you lose it you become vulnerable.  You feel less somehow.  It seems to affect everything else you have and you begin to wonder are there things you feel you can't say.

I would be interested in hearing what you think you can not say, you can leave them in the comment section and leave them anonymously and possibly we share the same things in common.  In the meantime, I am so glad we had this time together and that you take the time to keep coming back.

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