Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well the dress for the Hunger event is coming along nicely as I spent the entire morning working on it and nothing else.  The only break was to put everything in the oven for Easter dinner.  The whole even was exactly what I didn't want. No comments about the table or flowers, no comments on my outfit for the fashion show, no questions about school---no nothing I should have seen it coming.  Actually I did predict this yesterday, the thing is I don't know why I try so hard.  Why do I keep beating myself up when it is NEVER going to change.  It really hurts.  The photograph to the side is the picture I promised yesterday of the carnival glass, the flowers I did myself and I thought a beautiful touch.

School starts back tomorrow and while I am looking forward to it, I am not looking forward to all the upcoming homework including this paper I have due on gender.  Oy vey!  I think the topic I want to write about is the effects/affects of pornography on both genders, straight and gay if possible.  In the mean time somehow finish this dress by Thursday and still somehow squeeze in doll work too so I can raise the funds for May for summer classes.  No rest for the wicked I guess.  Well to lighten the mood a silly "Youtube" post and until  the next time, I am so glad we had this time together

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