Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Night before Easter

The night before Easter and the big family meal and I am not ready for it.  Jim has done all the cooking already and all I have to do is reheat everything tomorrow and set the perfect table.  A white table cloth, antique cloth white napkins, the good silver and an all Marigold Carnival glass setting for everyone.  I will have to take pictures of it and post here so all of you can see that Martha Stewart and I are truly soulmates , it has always been about presentation for me.  The table when set like this is just gorgeous and I adore my carnival glass collection.

Jim started his own blog today and I want to encourage all of my readers to visit his site and encourage him in this brand new endeavour.  The web address is hopefully all of you will get to know him as well.  This is a real step for Jim to open up like this as normally he is so very quite.

The last few weeks I have been in a real weird mood and I think its a mix of things.  First wanting Spring semester to start, worried how the hell I am going to get the $1,500 for that semester KSU needs that my Pell doesn't cover, some worry about an upcoming blood tests for a doctors appointment at the end of the month, a paper I have to write for Writing 1 and of course the fashion show next weekend.

That show has me really worried, the outfit isn't done as of yet and still in pieces to some degree and I have to turn it in by Thursday to meet the deadline.  Most of this outfit this time around has been done by hand versus by machine and I guess its because I am so worried about it turning out right--- again my "Martha" persona---it has to be sheer perfection!  If I weren't like this it would be easier.  In the meantime I have to "jerry-rig" the ironing boardto use it as it broke this week, I would say what next but that only brings bad luck.

To some degree I guess I am dreading tomorrow as well as there has been no real support from my family to my going back to school, not even a lot of emotional support or interest.  It frankly has been a bunch of nothing.  Not even questions about how I am doing.  I know they don't understand why I am doing it and that is fine but to be honest this utter lack of interest just hurts like hell.  I need to get to the point where it doesn't hurt as much, but since this has been only going on since August of  last year I think I have a long road ahead of me.

I am doing what I am doing for me and no one else, claiming my future, claiming who I am and who I NEED to be!  It is who I am and if no one understands it that is ok, because I get it.  I am working so hard to do well and as of right now its all A's in every class and if I can keep it up the Dean's List at the end of the semester.  Anyway I do know the sky literally is the limit for me and I am belive it.

The other part is just the whole Easter idea versus Passover idea--the family as a whole celebrates Easter and while in the past they have let me observe Passover in my home with them they have done it reluctantly and not understanding why I converted in the first place.  Being Jewish is where I feel at home, I feel at peace and more than likely I will blog about that tomorrow.

In the meantime I am so glad we had this time together.

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