Friday, April 2, 2010

How To Train a Dragon----

Today my brother, my nephew and myself went to see "How To Train A Dragon".  While many of you may feel that this cartoon/kiddie flick isn't to be about life lessons for me I left the theatre changed. The story is basically about this boy who does not fit into his life as a viking and in the beginning would do anything just to fit in.  In the mean time he snags a dragon in a net who falls deep into the woods.

The dragon has part of his tail that is missing.  The part missing helps him fly.  The boy "Hiccup" befriends the dragon and in the process realizes that eveything his people knows about dragons is false.  The boy also builds an "artifical limb" if you will for this dragon to help him fly and together they do fly to unbelievable dizzing heights.

Of course his classmate in dragon training finds out about his secret and he persuades her to his side.  The dragon takes them to what is the Dragon's hive and this monsterous dragon rules the lives of every other dragon.  Hiccup's father figures this all and an all out war against the dragons pursue which they win because Hiccup destroys the monster.

Life is turned inside out and upside down because the dragons end up living with the vikings and his father ends up saying he not only loves Hiccup but his proud of him.

For me there was this huge underlying story of this boy trying to desperately fit in beyond all costs but yet changes his world because he finally embraces his differences and who he really is.  My life it seems in reverse to a degree.  Instead of trying to fit in desperately I have worked my entire life to be who I know I am-- a gay man who loves to design clothing.  Instead of trying to change the lives of everyone around him I am just trying to change mine and be who I was meant to be.  True I feel like I never fit in or where I am from but life is more than those things.

Leaving behind a world of poverty, indifference and "settle-ness".  You know that feeling of it gets no better than this so why try, just be happy with what you have.  I have never been like that,  I have just needed the opportunity to soar if you will.  I left the theatre in tears, my heart ripped from my chest and an emotional mess.  Knowing my father will never say those words to me because I am turning my world upside down, inside out on my own just for me but also knowing I don't need him to say those things to me.

This journey is just beginning in many ways and I have finally embraced what I want,what the future holds is uncertain but I am so excited.  If you get the chance go see this movie.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie,
    Others in my life have left me lonely and alone in times of great need too, so I can sympathize. My earthly step father walked away from me 9 years ago because I would not give him money he felt he was entitled to. I was a good daughter according to him up until then, and yet one thing he felt I did not measure up to and he no longer wanted to be a part of my life. Just like that he wiped away a lifetime of being the good daughter. I was worthless to him at that point. Had I put my self worth entirely in his hands I would be a broken human being.
    He is human, I understand that he is who he is and I forgive him. But I am not going to base my worth on how he views me in his eyes. The only father I need to make happy and gain acceptance from is my Heavenly Father. You need to try the same, and if you look for His love and acceptance you will see you already have it.
    From the moment He brought you into being he made you who you are, gave you the talents you have, and the desires and treasures in your heart. He made you exactly as he wanted you and He will never forsake you. You are special, one of a kind and made in His image.
    Don't ever let anyone make you feel worthless. You are a creation of God's love.
    Whenever I am alone and feeling sad I just ask God to hold me in His arms as a child would ask a parent and I know He scoops me up and I feel loved.
    So as Miss Scarlett would say "I am never alone, for I know God is always with me."
    Please know that those we love here are human just like we are and they will let us down just like we let them down at times. But there is a place to go where you are never alone and never have to prove your worth.... in His loving arms.

    I share these two songs with you because I feel they help at times when I feel alone. I look on these songs as a message of hope. I pray they brings you hope as well.

    Happy Passover!
