Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grades are in.....................

Well my grades for this last semester are in, which in one way is a relief. I got a B+ in Painting 1, an A- in College Writing 1 and an A- in History of Civilization which for the semester gave me a 3.57 GPA and a cumulative of 3.46 GPA. It makes me just a bit dissapointed, because I am so close to the deans list it isn't even funny, but not quite there. If I have to be honest it was what I working for the whole semester and I missed it.

I know I should be thrilled beyond words, and honestly I am but when you work so hard for something and you fall short, it kind of hurts a little. Oh well, life goes on. Maybe part of my pain is the dogs were gone most of the morning at the groomers and that is always makes for a lonely day as there isn't the pitter patter of little feet. I love my "girls" more than anything and I really hate being away from them. A boy and his dog I guess .  There really isn't more news to really to talk about so I guess till next time I am glad we had this together.

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