Tuesday, May 18, 2010

News of the day

Well yesterday I went and paid the price difference that my Pell Grant doesn't cover for the summer semester and for me that was nearly $1,700 with the class fees included. Now, I had the money to pay it and it took months to save it, so it made it hard to turn over that kind of money for the classes.

If I have to be honest with you my readers, I have never invested in myself like that before and until two years I wasn't even really capable of saving like that. It took a lot of sacrifice and doing without somethings but it felt rather good to believe in myself enough to invest in myself like that. I felt like I am finally comfortable with who I am and who I want to be and for a person from a domestically violent childhood home , I think that is saying alot.  Those of you who have the same background, may understand what I am really trying to say.

If you live in N.E. Ohio like I do then this next part will make some sense, gosh am I over all the rain we have had here lately. It seems like that is all it has done this month is rain, and I am not so sure rain affects Fibromyalgia or not but it seems like this month more than others I have been so stiff, sore and achy it isn't even funny.

Since Saturday I have been on break from school and it has been so very nice to finally spend my day doing things that has sat for months and if the fatigue will ever subside I may get even more done. Been busy working on some work here to earn the money I may need for Fall classes, so its no huge rest.

However, as I said the fatigue the last three days has been really bad.  I am laying down in the middle of the day for 4-5 hours but I guess I need the rest. It is hard to lay down at times as I feel like if I didn't lay down I could be so much more productive. Oh well.

Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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