Monday, May 3, 2010

News of the day

Well I got my last College Writing 1 paper back I and I am pleased to say I got a B. There were some minor problems with it, that made it the grade it was but overall I think I did well. Today I found out I have a $170 price difference from what I was told would be the cost for the summer semester. Was not looking forward to that at all but will somehow come up with that difference. As of Saturday of last week I did raise the needed $1,500 for summer semester and boy did I work my butt off.

Been trying to get ahold of my student advisor at the Kent campus now for over a week and half to see if she could lift some of the requirements needed for Fall Classes. It isn't anything major as the requirements is simply classes I willbe taking in the summer. Not getting of her is getting really annoying.

Jim re-read the paperwork from the Project Runway application and found out today IF I get accepted to the next round THEY CALL ME. So we all need to send out good karma so they pick up th ephone and call me.

Also found out today that the parking permit for summer is $40 so I need to come up with that as well. Then of course as times roll on cocst for books. So it is going to be lots of doll work and more than likely baby sitting to get the dough.

I would really ask all of you what you would like for me to talk about here, I havenoticed a big surge in readers in the last two months and I am wondering why all of you come here and what you would like for me to talk about. My plan at some point is talk somemore about fashion.

If you noticed I changed some of the stuff on my blog with links and the main discription and I have really been gving thoguht to changing the blog name--more than likely not the web address just the name of it--Not sure. Again would love to hear what you think.'

Until then I am so glad we had this time together.

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