Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thought for the day

Well today was another one of my crash days.  School, home, bed for 4 hours it just seems to happen everynow and then. I hate Fibromyalgia at times, really I do. Finals week is next week so there seems to be a lot of pressure this week with trying to get everything done, personally I will be gald when it is all over.  I really am going to need the break and spend some time doing something I really want to do.  I have some sewing I want to do, some painting and a room I would like to wallpaper.

Fashion wise its all I think about, all the time, fromt he minute I get up to the minute I fall asleep.  Have really been thinking of changing the utter focus to nothing but fashion, but part of me is worried about losing my Oz/Judy readers.  Than again maybe I have already lost them?  I have added direct links to some of my favorite web sites and some new ones I am finding as I would love this to be one of the places you stop when it comes to fashion and especially fashion with a gay flair.

The exquisite photograph is from an advertisment for Louis Vuitton using one of my favorite fashion idols "Madge", as her friends call her, and Madonna to the rest of us.  Personally the photograph is stunning and Madge never looked better.  Tune in tomorrow for another photograph of our Material Girl for Louis Vuitton.

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