Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thoughts of an old friend today

I have had one of those days today, where no matter what else was going on I couldn't get an old friend off my mind.  Elizabeth Rhodes was that friend.  Unfrortunately Elizabeth died earlier this year of cancer and I wish I had the time to have gotten her even better than I did.  Elizabeth was the former director of the Kent State University School of Fashion Design and I meet her well before I became a student there.

Elizabeth actually came to me to have some doll work done, she brought the photogrpah of what she waned made, brought the wig and these absolutely exquistie fabrics from all over Europe including real ermine.  I fell head over in heels with Elizabeth the very first moment.  I finished her doll a few months later and she came in and saw it and just cried.  I ended up doing a doll for the big gala fundraiser event that year for Kent.  She was my beacon, my inspiration and even htough she felt I didn't need school she did give me an invitstion to visit behind the ropes at the museum and I never did.

I think about Elizabeth alot while I am in school.  If she would approve.  If she would be thrilled that I am finally doing it.  Would she be besides herself with the win I had with my first fashion show.  She died before she knew what a huge impact she left on me and I owe her everything.

My one big goal in school is to meet Elzabeth's replacement J.R. Campbell and I am hoping I can build with him the relationship I wanted so deperately wanted with Elizabeth if we had been given the time.  I am hoping J.R. and I can hit it off and he can become the mentor I wanted in Elizabeth and never had the guts to ask her for.  So J.R. if your reading I am so looking forward to meeting you. 

Elizabeth-- I want to thank you so deeply for eveything and for the passion, time, energy and the sould you put into the Fashion program at KSU I am indebted and love you for it.

Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.

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