Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dreams of Sarah Jessica Parker

I have said it before many times, and I will say it till the day I die. Our dreams our the gateway to what we want. Our deepest darkest fantasies brought to our eyes in a flicker of a moment that only we see. For it is only in our dreams are we so brazen and open.

Well, last night after going to bed early I was dreaming, I was in this very swank boutique/mall space and who shows up like a goddess in fashions best but none other than Fashionista Sarah Jessica Parker. Well Ms. SJP looked flaswless and was eyeing bags, shoes and scarfs and I introduce myself to her, hand her my card and say "I would love to have the opportunity to make you even more fierce that what you are". She gives me this sly smile looks at the card and just walks away.

Now in this dream she is meandering around still I see her drop my card, I pick it up walk up to her again--I know very brazen huh. Say "You dropped this, and I hope you really give me the chance to work with you. I would crawl threw shards of volcanic embers just to work with you". She gives me that sly smile again and kids that is when I woke up. DAMN it!

I haven't had this kind of a dream in a long time and maybe its a real shot in the dark but g-d only knows if somehow the cosmos and fate will work it out in the meantime. Maybe SJP, will read this . Either way I am ready to be your design boy!  In the meantime I have to get to feeling better.

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