Monday, June 7, 2010


Well I have mentioned I have not  been feeling well, well it has been since my doctors appointment now over a week ago.  It isn't so much not feeling well, it more or less has been feeling awful.  Some days much worse than others and with school now about a week ago I am scared needless to say.  I know I made a mistake missing some of my medication doses but I didn't realize what seemed so minor, would be such a royal pain in the ass.

Yet somehow in the madness that is AIDS it is "all manageable" and its just this "chronic illness".  Between the AIDS, the Fibromyalgia, the resless leg syndrome, the arthritis, the neuropathy, the side effects, the fatigue.  It just gets overwheming and very dreary.  Then throw in, what I am so desperately trying to do with school and you can see were my concern comes from.  Hopefully it all passes.

The dress to the left is a current Valentino and caught my eye on line, so I thought I would share.  Isn't it just gorgeous, timeless even.

In response to Gay Pride month, I want to talk some about my experience.  I knew I was "differrent" very early on--like 7 or 8 and my first crush was "Cubbie" from the old Mickey Mouse Club with Annette Funicello.  Which was in re-runs when I was a little kid. By the time I was 11 I knew there was a term for it and I was being called it all the time. I hated my life. I dated girls in highschool but it never went past the first kiss, then I broke it off.

I get really tired of people thinking that I chose this lifestyle, that I could maybe change back, that you aren't born gay.  Well, I know for sure that I was born gay--- I've known no other way.  Its not been easy but at the very least I have been able to be myself.  Well until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.

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