Friday, June 18, 2010

not so much news today

A very quiet day of homework and rest. I am still not feeling well and the soonest I can get into the doctor is next week Friday. I G-d only knows how I will feel. It just seems to be getting worse. My throat is just so raw and I am beggining to feel like I am losing my voice--oh yeah! Silence is bliss I guess. Tomorrow will be working on my drawing homework and more rest. I just hope I make it till Friday with out any huge meltdowns.

With gay Pride in Cleveland tommorow I feel like I should say something. Gay Pride for the last 19 years has marked for me that I am still here, fighting and that I am winning the war on AIDS. I know June all those years ago I was so sick and then diagnosed in July. So Pride has been all about life and living and not so much about being gay.

This year it has been hard accepting that thinking considering how awful I feel but I do know that somewhere, somehow there is a light at the end of the tunnel and if I can be a positive role model for some one else great. The one thing I want the most though right now is someone like me who has been an PWA (Person with AIDS) for a long time trying to better them themselves as well. It would be nice to have that someone because they would just relate, someone i couldbe brutually honest with and would get it. AIDS at times makes you seem so isolated and alone in many ways. Don't get me wrong I am very grateful for what I have there are just times though you know.

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