Wednesday, June 23, 2010


As many of you Monday was the anniversary of the death of the incredible Judy Garland and I meant to write this beautiful poetic prose about what Judy still means to me. But Monday had other plans I went to school and came home feeling the worse I have since I started.

I asked Jim if I had a an hour to lay down before supper and he said I did. We ate, I put my shoes back on and said can we go to Urgi-Care, not far from where we are. They tell me didn't like what they saw and sent me right away to the emergency room. 9 hours I was in a private room with what we were tending to believe was pneumonia possibly meningitis.

It was pneumonia and the mengitis I have that too, the very beginning of it though which I was told is very good. I am on some very heavy anti-boditics and it looks Like I will be here for days I am at

Mercy Medical Center
Charlie Dale Room 796
1320 Mercy Dr. NW
Canton, Ohio 44708

My bed side phone is 330-5796

1 comment:

  1. I am very sorry to hear that you are not doing well! I am pulling for you...on another note, have you ever tried chiropractic care as a complement to your other treatments? I am working Marketing and PR for an office in Medina, OH and adjustments can help boost your immune system by getting your nervous system functioning properly. Its also a huge help to patients suffering from fibromyalgia. If you're interested in giving it a try, let me know! I can get you a pretty deep discount on it! <3 Feel better hun!
