Friday, June 25, 2010


Around 6:30 last night I got home from the hospital as they decided to release me I have some follow up work to do with my HIV Specialist, but the recovery is what is next. To be done at home with lots of rest.

Well with this semester off thats shouldn't be to hard to do as my energy as you can imagine is low. My spirits are low as well but I do have some simple things I want to do while on this break.

The big thing I walked away with was this realization now matter how hard how try, no matter how well my medications are or are not working, no matter how I feel I will never, ever be that "normal healthy person" who doesn't have to think about alot of the things I do. That thouhght was a very hard pill to swallow.

One day at time, one step at a time and that I am LIMITED! Well off to make breakfast and take my pills and until we I see you here next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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