Friday, June 25, 2010

It's nice being wrong sometimes...............

( From a draft saved from last week)  Intriguing opening heading huh? Well it is exaclty how I feel. Late last night Jim was going through the mail when he came into the bedroom and asked if I was still up. Answer to that barely, and this was just only 8:30 p.m.

Anyway there is is this letter from Rep. Scott Oelslager, which I thought ok campaign advertising big deal. Well Jim read it

"Dear Charles,

I am pleased to congratulate you on being named to the Dean's List at Kent State University. An intelligent and motivated individual, you have striven to develop your knowledge and skills and have amply demonstrarted your ability to meet challenges with enthusiasm and confidence." Two more brief paragraphs and well I am proven wrong! I DID MAKE THE DEANS LIST!

It is validating in so many ways that all the hard work and sacrifice is paying off. That it is worth while and that if you keep true to yourself it does pay off. I have never been so proud in my life.

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