Friday, June 25, 2010

Some more thoughts today

I don't want this blog to get all negative, blue, depressing and dreary just because I am recovering from pneumonia and meningitis.  So somehow I am going to keep this positive and upbeat and still somehow talk fashion and other things I love.

Our neighbors were in Europe recently on vacation/business and brought home to me the Paris Vogue which included French, Milan and American designers.  I was just stunned but the magazine is just gorgeous and SO many pictures.  Real eye candy when it comes to fashion and so many inspiring items that could be used for my own things down the line.

But for know I just have to get my strength back.  My big accomplishment today was unpacking my school bag and putting away the things I bought for this semester.  It's all in a plastic tote for fall but gosh it was so emotionally hard to do it.  The stuff I owned, and didn't have to buy for the semester, went into my studio and by the time I was done I was drained.  BIG nap.

So you can see why somehow I want to keep it positive and not bore all of you with "the downers".  So until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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