Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My thoughts on the Ground Zero Mosque

I am sure all of you have already heard about the idea of building a mosque near the Ground Zero area.  You can't hardly escape all the talk about it. I also bet you have heard all of the hype that goes along with this, including what President Obama has said or not said.  I originally was not going to blog about this, but the more I got to thinking about it I wanted to go on record and say exactly what I think.

First of all this whole idea of the "Ground Zero area" is a sacred space is sheer bullshit.  With a strip club/tittie bar near there, a betting parlor in the same area and one of your average tourist shops in the area this is by no means sacred ground, if it were these things wouldn't exist inside the sacred at least in my opinion. It would be like having a swingers club housed on the grounds of the Vatican.

Secondly, there were Muslims killed at Ground Zero as well.  I really feel that the actions of a few militant Muslims have given a really bad impression of all Muslims.  But nobody thinks of it that way, I mean honestly Rev. Fred Phelps and his group have done scores to bring about bad feelings for the Right Wing Conservative Militant--yet nobody talks about it.  Isn't amazing we always tend to focus on the negative.

Thirdly, Muslims as well as anyone else has the right to religious freedom and the right to assembly, it is after all a constitutional right, is it not?  No side bar that says everybody except...... you fill in the blank.  Religion for many can and is a healing process and just because we may not fully understand the Muslim faith does that give us the right to judge it?  Hell, I don't fully understand all of Catholicism but it doesn't make an entire religion wrong or absurd does it.

Lastly, and probably the most controversial thing I will say, this group of people has every right to build this facility anywhere including but not limited to Ground Zero.  Just as everyone else here in America has the right to build anything anywhere.  If this group of people wanted to build their Mosque on the White House Lawn they have the right to plan that.  Will a Mosque on the White House Lawn happen, probably not---will a Mosque happen near Ground Zero?  In my opinion hopefully it will.  It could serve as a place of healing, insight, research and spiritual awakening.  We just have to open our minds, our thoughts and allow everyone the rights and privileges some of demand to have on a regular basis and yet we are so willing to take away from those we do not agree with.  Just my thoughts.

So glad we had this time together.

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