Wednesday, August 18, 2010

News of the day

Well today was my visit to the urologist about my current kidney stone and the whole visit was no more than 6 minutes long.  he thing is I am surehe charged Medicaid/Medicare $150, oh well.  He believes I will pass it on my own.  Drink lots of waterand if the pain gets to unbearable call me sounds like the advice I got at the hospital.  Anyway the painkillers keep me pretty groggy and I am somewhat of a space cadet but belive it or not I am geting some work done.
The work that has been is for the most part doll work that I am behind in and I want deperately done before school starts if I can.  I am also waiting to hear from a gay fraternity at KSU about Rush Week.  It would be nice to make some new friends, and I am really looking forward to school starting.  It is going to be nice to be back on campus.

In other news I also got invited to be part The National Society of Leadership and Success, because of my good standing when it comes to my grades.  I was very flattered, I don't know that much about it but I am going to do my best to get the most out of it.  It's the type of person I am.

I have to admit though I am somewhat blue because the Chesterton, Indiana Wizard of Oz Festival is coming up and I am not able to attend I agreed almost a year ago to give up te festival so I could save the money to study abroad at KSU.  I know in the long run it will pay off but I am really going to miss the festival and all of the firends I catch up with at the festival.  Oh well, maybe I will hit the lotto and can do both.

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