Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Broadway Queen--thats me

Well last night I was in my "theatre glory" with the brand new season of Glee.  Kids, I absolutely adore this show more than breathing, I have it bad. Maybe it is because I am a "Broadway Queen" as they say but there isn't anything better than a great story with great music that you leave singing when you leave the theatre. Besides as a Broadway Queen you get your own tiara .  Kidding!

With a guest appearance by Charice, the Filipino girl featured on Oprah a few times, Charice plays a girl named Sunshine.  I was once again in love with this 16 year old girl with the voice of a grown woman.  Charice first preformed part of the Lady Gaga hit Telephone. 

Charice/Sunshine was fierce, to fierce actually for character Rachel who turns in to Miss Uber b*tch and sends poor Sunshine to a crack house for her audition.  Well kids you don't f*ck with diva's.  Trust me I know being a diva at time myself. 

Our girl Sunshine belts out one of my favorite songs of all time "Listen".  I know I have posted this song twice before but kids there is something that she brings to this song that I have not gotten before.  It is of course from the story line, it is the whole I know you sent me to a crack house because I threaten you well TOUGH SH*T!  Because b*th I am going deliver it and boy does she.  This kind of "F" you done with a song and all attitude.

Of course Rachel realizes she has been a first class jerk and decides to put her regret into song as well.

I bring this whole thing up because sometimes we just have those days where we want to be the uber b*tch for no real good reason at all.  Maybe the whole thing has been building for a long time and it just feels good to let the witch out.  Claws flying, attitude soaring, bitchiness in full force and we are embracing it and celebrating it.  Then we regret it.  At height of the moment it feels great, feels powerful and I guess my day was yesterday. I didn't blow up, but I probably over reacted.  Thank god no one was there to see me do it.  I have the good sense to keep my head in public and than lose it when I am by myself.  That way I am not embarrassed.

Oh well. I guess we all have moments where we have melt downs.  Thankfully mine are not that often and are hardlyever public.  Well kids thanks for the time we have had together.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your reading your posts so much! I haven't missed a single one! Enjoy your semester, kick some fashion butt, and keep me in the loop about fashion shows that you're in!

    Stacey Kay
