Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News of the day

Not much here for me to really talk about.  I hated missing Liza on Oprah today as was in class.  I did LOVE tonight's new episode of Glee and have all my homework for tomorrow done already.  Tomorrow also starts my tutor responsibilities at Mason Elementary.  Its part of my College Writing II Class and I am nervous to say the least. Keep me in your thoughts that it all goes well.

Hope you have been enjoying the vintage fashion posts I maybe do some more as I found this great web site with oodles of vintage fashion. I also want to take the time and remind everyone I am on Twitter as well and hopefully in some time I will be doing more there once I get a better system to do it than my current refualr cell phone, keeping my fingers crossed.

Hopefully also tomorrow I can spend a lot of time on the Women in History Fashion Show outfit as I am really nervous about that.  In the meantime thanks to all the readers, readership since this new blooger traking thing started has steadily going up every month and I APPRECIATE IT!

I would like to her what you would like to see here as well specific fashion, topics or whatever.  After all maybe weboth can grow a little.  Well until next time, I am so glad we had this time together

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