Monday, September 20, 2010

News of the day

Well thankfully I took the time to finally sit down and cut out the majority of the patterns for the Mary Todd Lincoln inspired/recreation dress for the Famous Women Fashion Show in October.  Going to work my head off to get it the way I want it to look but in all honesty I know I can and, more than likely will, do it.

In a way this may be the dress that brings back some of my self confidence.  I also moved all of the doll boxes out of the sewing room closet  andinto the Oz room closet. My fashion books and magazines are now on the shelf in that closet.  It will need an additional brace I think to hold the weight.  Will have to ask my dad about it when he is out again. Moving those books freed up some shelf space in my sewing room.

I found a clothing rod to put in the closet to hang my own creations plus the few vintage/antique pieces I do not want to cut up.  Maybe now I can slowly buy more antque clothing I find intersting and worth having.  Of course you all can send me stuff at least 60 years old or more for the small but growing collection.  I would be indebted forever. I am especially interested in antique men's clothing and women's 1930's and before as well as couture of course.

If you didn't catch Marth Stewart last night on Hallmark, you kids missed one hell of a show. It was"The Women in Fashion" and the interviews, the clothes and the insight was simply wonderful.  If they re-run it you kids need to watch it.  Then today on her daytime show Martha had the entire hour about fashion, it was love for me!  It did bring up this whole idea, for me anyway, why is it you never hardly see antique men's clothing in antique store or malls or even shows for sale?  Pickings are slim kids, maybe these men wore their clothes out.   Maybe there is no interest in antique men's clothing.  I wonder. What all do you think. 

My big passion right now would be vintage bowties. There is something about a man in a bowtie and frankly believe it or not I don't own one. Maybe it should be on my wish list.  Well anyway, I am glad we had this time together.  Till next time.

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