Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lady Gaga: March US Vogue

Well once again the media machine is in a tail spin over the ever fabulous Lady Gaga.  Of course there is all this talk about the newest release "Born This Way".  Most people love it or hate it, some are even comparing it to some of Madonna's earliest work.  While for me I can see some comparison Lady Gaga and her songs stand fully on their own.  But that is just my opinion.  You can find the Youtube post of what the song sounds like here along with the lyrics. I mean after all "don't be a drag..."

Anyway the March USA issue of Vogue has her imperial Gaga-ness on the cover in a dutch boyesque pink wig.  While I love the wig, the no eyebrow thing is a little off for me, I am not sure exactly why but it just sits kind of funny. I know my thing and not everybody elses thing---moving on.  My favorite photographs though have to be of her wearing Alexander McQueen in the "garden settings".  Those pictures leave this Gaga worshipping gay boy speechless and kids that is a hard thing to do at times .  Know all I have to do is get her first two CD's ---anybody have any idea when the newest  CD is out?


  1. your this post is outstanding so beautiful and all the models is very good and perfect clothing so nice all dressing in this post that you show

  2. Hey loved your piece on Lady G. Her new album drops on May 27th!!!!Cant wait! Also in GaGawood news HBO is airing her Monster Ball Live from MSG on May 7th!!!! I'm dying with anticipation.......Have an awesome day and remember Dont be a drag Just be a queen!
    Chris from NJ
