Sunday, February 13, 2011

Newest Poetry----"Do I....."

Of deep unspoken longings
To but gaze upon you across the room
Of masculine marble like manly flesh
Oh to taste his sweet savory dew like kisses
Of the pale violet sunlight on Christopher Street

To hold his hand in mine
The private musical of us in my mind
The smell of ruggedness as sweet perfume
Of what could be the quiet joy of brotherhood
Let him just once kiss me on Halstead Street
With the touch of his lips

My own warrior rebel
That our desire should be shared could
Lead to our wholeness once out of Eden's gate
Fairy tales do come true on Castor Street
Guide my heart out of my desert of loneliness

Once I have tasted his sweet savory kisses
Some say rebellion began
Hearts filled with the camp of Christmas
Can what we share be but the higher law
Would the fruit of this be sweet to taste

The pinnacle of spirit on Fire Island
To be but more than friends dare I say
To desire the crooked road
To our iniquities den in Hell's Kitchen
Our protection of what is right, just and good

Passion flung out of eternal fires
My soft beautiful vaporous being
Bitter bitchy queens at the door mocking
That this feeling is mine and I am his
With no doubt or uncertainty at all

Can this be sweeter than wine
Do I dare gaze into your eyes
Speak my name to you
Or do I stand
Quiet, unspoken delights
Never revealed

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