Monday, April 11, 2011

Newest Poetry

Of pale moonlight kisses
Brief moments of sunrises glory
Drawing me into love's tender embrace
Passions throbbing 'tween us
Sheilding me from the powers
Of a demon beyond all compare
Wanting to snuff my very life out
Dying for all eternity's moment
Had it been except for
Thine pale moonlight splended kisses
You cast thy spell o'er my head

But oh noble knight of mine
The deomn rages still
Sleeping in eh fleshy cave
But once more of pale moonlight splendid kisses
Hiding me from his fiery eyes of rage
Even now I cry to thee of Love
Said so sweet to speak its name
Yielding the sword clenched near thy breast

Thy arm raiseth high
Blade swift and sure
Slaying the deomn in the shadows
HIs once eyes bright but flooded with death
The hellish dream is o'er
Thy love for me has conquered all
Once more of pale moonlight splendid kisses

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