Friday, April 8, 2011

Very Painful Day

For those that read this space and are friends it will be the one place I talk openly, honestly and today quite frankly raw beyond belief.

The test results for the MRI, CAT Scans, blood tests, blood gases test, x-rays, full bone body scan all came back normal BUT

There are currently a few "Uncharactized" spots on my brain that the doctor said might be to his opinion PML a fairly mother fucker of a disease some people with AIDS get.  I had a freind die of PML nearly 19 years ago now and needless to say I was hysterical.

The doctor wants to do a spinal tap tomorrow morning to determine if it is that, something else or an"undiagnosable" spot as he put it.  Any way you put this my life can not ever be the same again and I see it more clearly than ever before.  I am not saying I am going to be making rash decisons, jumping judgements and life altering movements but it is time to take SERIOUS stock of what means what to me an

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