Monday, July 18, 2011

Straight Man Banned from Donating Blood for "Appearing Homosexual"

 Aaron Pace is admittedly and noticeably effeminate, but he says he is not homosexual.
Still, his looks, character and behavior prompted a blood donation center to reject him when he tried to donate blood recently and he’s miffed, to say the least.

“I was humiliated and embarrassed,” said Pace, 22. of Gary. “It’s not right that homeless people can give blood but homosexuals can’t. And I’m not even a homosexual.”

Pace visited Bio-Blood Components Inc. in Gary, which pays for blood and plasma donations, up to $40 a visit. But during the interview screening process, Pace said he was told he could not be a blood donor there because he “appears to be a homosexual.”
A few things:
  • The blood ban on gay men is insane. All blood in the United States is screened for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and a legion of other diseases. A flat ban on gay men (or men who have had even a single gay experience) is bad business and medically unsound. (In the UK, gay men may donate blood after ten years of celibacy.)
  • While male-to-male sexual contact infection rates are quite high, so are high-risk heterosexual contact infection rates.
  • Does anyone else think it’s weird that the Chicago Sun-Times calls Mr. Pace “noticeable effeminate”? Talk about fueling the flames of ignorance here…

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