Sunday, February 5, 2012

Canadian LGBT history was made today as the first “official” gay college fraternity in Canada opened today at Montreal’s McGill University.

Canadian LGBT history was made today as the first “official” gay college fraternity in Canada opened today at Montreal’s McGill University.

The new frat, Delta Lambda Phi, will accept gay and bisexual men as well as any other men that want to join. It is one of 32 chapters and colonies of Delta Lambda Phi but is the first born outside of the United States.  And surprisingly Delta Lambda Phi is not under fire by conservatives on campus but by McGill’s University own LGBT group over the wording of an email sent out by DLP to recruit members and the frat invited all males or individuals who self-identify as male to join  which Queer McGill told the Toronto Star it believes the language separating “males” and “those who identify as male” implies that transgendered individuals are somehow not real men.

Regardless, DLP is actually a US college fraternity with a membership of gay, straight and bisexual men. Otherwise it’s similar to other Greek college frats. It was founded in 1986 by Vernon L Strickland III in Washington, DC. DLP is ast-growing in the US, where there are 28 gay fraternities on various college campuses. McGill is the first DLP chapter to be chartered outside the US.

Like other fraternities DPL will do charitable works, although drinking is put off until after meetings and members are discouraged from dating one another

But I am sure Rush Week must be sinmply FABULOUS!
Go DLP!  Rah Rah Rah!

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