Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rick Santorum Tells Gay Man You Don’t Deserve The “Privilege” To Get Married

Rick (Is he still in the race?) Santorum that walking ad Summers Eve disposable douche at a campaign stop in Fulton, Missouri explained to a gay man why gay men and lesbian women do not deserve the “special privilege” to get married to each other.

“It is an intrinsic good…And as a result of that, we extend a privilege. We extend certain privileges to people who do that because we want to encourage that behavior…”
Good ole Frothy opens his mouth and gives witness to his incredible and his kinds incredible ignorance and hate.

Thankfully the one thing we can be sure of is that long before Rick Santorum becomes President of anything, this gentleman who asked the question, will be able to marry.
Rick Santorum, soon to be the 8-Track of politics

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