The weather has cooled considerably and the leaves have began to change, the neighbors have started putting up Halloween decorations already and we have had our first 2 frosts already but considering we are a little more southern than Cleveland it hasn't killed anything as of yet.
The doll work has kept me very busy and I am so far behind it isn't funny, but at least it is steady and at least I have work promised into November already--it could be worse--with no work at all.
More from the "Come Be My Light" this is from an article in Time magazine--but I HAVE TO BUY this book!!
"(Jesus): Wilt thou refuse to do this for me?...You have become my Spouse for my love---The thirst you had for souls brought you so far--Are you afraid to take one more step for your Spouse--for me--for souls? Is your generosity grown cold? Am I second to you?
(Teresa) Jesus, my own Jesus--I am only Thine--I am so stupid--I do not know what to say but do with me whatever You wish--as You wish--as long as You wish. (But) why can't I..... be like everyone else.
(Jesus): I want... who would be my fire of love amongst the poor, the sick, the dying little children... You are I know the most incapable person--weak and sinful but just because you are that---I want to use You for My glory. Wilt thou refuse?
I guess the question is how or when do you know if you have "been called to a greater purpose" and the even greater question is can Jews be "called"? After all don't we all have the same G-d, and only our faith in the Messiah changes our "over all thinking". In the mean time the darkness encroaches, the silence becomes deeper and the pain more intense.
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