According to

According to
According to the 01/09/11

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

News of the day

I have been in a very odd mood today, not quite out right depreseed not out right happy.  More just blah.  First I couldn't register for any Spring Classes till I paid $200 for my parking privilege at KSU main campus, then actually register for my classes.  Then of course I cried most of the way to school, it was just to much.  To much pressure, to much anxiety, to much everything.  Maybe the mood will change.

Classes are going well but I guess I was just needing some release.  So right now I am register for a GLBT Literature Class, a Creative Writing Class and Fashion Drawing 1.  Thiking of adding an extra class but right now I am just not so sure.

Could this all be becausemy birthday is on the 16th and it maybe some sort of mid-life crisis because I will be turning forty-four.  Maybe I just need to sit and journal about all of it.  Maybe some of you are going through something similar?  Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.

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