Sunday, December 23, 2007

Comment from a very good friend

I wanted to take the time and post a response I got from a very good freind Christina--I felt it said so beautifully what I have been saying the last few days----

I was catching up on your blog and thinking about our conversation a few days ago. I know that this holiday has been hard it seems finding that "feeling" of Christmas is hard. But I have found over the last few days thinking back on Christmas' past that it didn't seem like Christmas much then either.

It was in the looking back on the day, the foods we had, the gifts exchanged, the moments shared with loved ones that it seemed more like Christmas. I think we so look forward to getting "somewhere, anywhere" special that we forget the journey. It's that way with Christmas! We get so caught up in the rush of the preparations "having to get things done, things having to get bought" that we forget to enjoy the simple moments while we waiting for that day to arrive.

Much like that mad rush we are always in to get off that train and enjoy that thing called life. But life is made in the moments not at arriving at the destination. For the destination is death.

I saw you had posted about Mother Theresa and her personal * feeling* of emptiness of faith in her life, on your blog. I think that anyone seeking out the real God "not the so called TV evangelist, or the fear mongering, money grubbing pastors" is going to feel alone on most of that journey. Those TV pastors, and those mega churches, are like actors on a stage. They know how to play a crowd of people to get them to "feel the ecstasy" and get whipped up into a false hysteria, a false euphoria.

Because much like the high you get going to see a great movie where the actors reach a part of you nothing in life does, it quickly fades. So does the "high" that people get when they worship these false prophets. So they keep returning to the pastor, priest or whoever gives them that high because they can't feel it on their own.They won't sit patiently in prayer waiting to hear His voice in the fluttering of hummingbird wings, or the rustle of fall leaves, in the myriad of colors in the rainbow.

They are addicted to the spiritual high but don't realize that God is in the peace not the high, because He is the peace and the light. The high is no more real than the false God they are pushing. God doesn't need huge Cathedrals, he doesn't need our money, he doesn't need 15000 people worshiping together. He finds us anywhere we are when he calls us, so why do these people preach this way? Because they know the road to God is a lonely road that people without faith, or with shaky faith are afraid to take alone.

Those searching for inner peace in life don't want to feel alone, no human does, we are social people. We like being with others for the most part. So we want to feel God like we feel the touch of other humans when we hug or kiss or just see each other. We want tactile contact with God. When some people searching feel they don't find Him in their lives they search out anything that will fill that role. And there are far too many leeches ready to bleed them dry because they know how desperate they are to feel something, anything outside the loneliness of normal life.

They do so much to keep that crowd aroused like an actor to keep them coming back. Because that's how they keep the crowds of people who keep the money coming in. They get them all fired up and those people look to that human being as God like because that person can bring them to that point that they don't usually feel in their search for God. The real God. Because the real God does not come to us in burning bushes and fires like tornadoes. He comes to us in the quiet. You want to feel God? He is in the peace.

That is God we seek, that is peace we seek. They are one and the same. It is in the thousand little things all around us that we don't see because we are so busy looking for Him, or chasing the things of this world that we don't see the joys he blesses us with everyday. I too felt like you do. I have a lot of questions. I am reading St. John of the Cross and discovering what that "Dark Night of the Soul" is all about. That dark night that Mother Theresa talked about feeling. It is a lonely path we walk to God because like the path he walked to the crucifixion he was alone. He cried out on the cross "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me"?

He felt alone, and He was Christ! He knew the Father existed and yet He did not feel Him at that moment of hour of darkness in His life! God had not forsaken him, but it was a journey to the cross that Christ had to walk alone otherwise it would not have been a walk of faith. Because faith which is the purest real love requires that we believe in something or someone not based on things we know or see, but what we believe and feel in our hearts.

I think that was what Dorothy found in the movie "The Wizard of Oz". She found out that she wasn't alone, that those around her loved her and that there is no place like home. Home as they say is where your heart is. And anywhere your heart is, is home. Your home with God, with Christmas, is in your heart. Look for it there. That is where I found it this year. So just remember that this Christmas you are not alone, He came on this day to show us His deep love for us and to show us the path that we too would walk "seemingly" alone.

God gave us His Son to show us that this journey as humans would be difficult, it would be very hard at times, even lonely, but we will be rewarded for our love and faith at the end. I do hope that you are getting better and that you find the "love of Christmas" in the coming days. Look for it in your heart Charlie. Just like you keep Ron and others there.
You will find it there too. It won't be in brightly wrapped gifts or in decorations of silver and gold but in the little moments of sipping eggnog with Jim and Shane, in watching your mother wonder at your beautiful handmade bracelet, in the acceptance in Jim's eyes when you tell him you love him on Christmas morning. That love comes from God himself to you as gifts this Christmas. Accept them, from Him and know that He is there with you every second of every day even if you don't feel him.

Closer yet to Christmas

Well all the shopping is done and done under budget somehow--it wasn't much but it was all thought out well and from the heart. My brother has been here since yesterday and it has been really nice having him--we finished the Christmas shopping yesterday and then he surprised me while we were in Little Italy in Cleveland and we went to lunch at this wonderful little restaurant. The food was out of this world and the glass of wine we had was some of the best I have in a long time.

The evening was quiet as we were tired from all that shopping so Jim, Shane--that's my brother and I all waited the John Travolta/Queen Latifah version of "Hairspray". Not sure yet what the day will bring. I do know we have to finish wrapping presents.

I did want to take the time and thank all of you that come here and read my thoughts, and thank all of you that have entered my life and for being friends--it means so very much to me.

Something we all know but with a slight twitst

Friday, December 21, 2007

At your grave 5 years later

I stood at your grave today
Tears flooded my eyes
for the fifth year in a row
a prayer shawl wrapped
around my shoulders
the cold wind at my kneck
the smell of roses in the air
but none in my hands
or on your grave today
I could hear angel wings
and knew you were there
my emotions and memories speechless
Yet my feelings overwhelming me like
a Drowning sea
Has it been easier accepting
has the pain become any less
It seems only more real

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thoughts of the day

Well very early this morning it was off to Sam's Club to do some light grocery shopping and to buy one more Christmas gift, actually for my brother. It was this beautiful basket done by Starbucks, I just know he is going to love it. We went really early as we have a Gold membership and to miss the crowds and I am glad to say we did miss the madness completely. How the bill adds up so fast is beyond me though. Part of it may have been the Bailey's Irish Creme we bought for the Eggnog for Christmas Day and I am sure some it as well was the pre-mixed ready to serve bottle of Cosmopolitian--my favorite mixed-drink of all time.

Than it was time to put away what little we did buy and for me to start to try to finish the one Christmas job I have left for customers that hopefully will be picked up on Saturday. I have to be honest here and say it has been very hard on me emotionally keeping the pace I have the last few days knowing my doctors do not want me to and yes it has made me "bitchy" beyond words but I am not sure how else to deal with it at this point. Once this last job is done I am taking a 4 day break though from it all as I feel I desrve it. MOre than likely will spend those days painting, something I enjoy completely and that I can zone out completely while I do it

I feel like I did though at Thanksgiving time--as I can not just get into the whole holiday spirit and this year somehow I missed all of Chanukah and for me it has always held special meaning and a very tender place in my heart. I feel so disconnected and isolated, exactly as I felt at Thanksgiving it has been in many ways very overwhelming. I think primarily those feelings for Chanukah is because those early years as "being a Jew" were very happy and peaceful times for me on many different levels.

I did take the time today and burn inscene and listen to this wonderful Kabbalahistic Meditation CD I have, as I worked on and finished this dangle bracelet I made for my mother. I guess it was an easy way to zone out and to destress and jewelry making for me is something completely new, and this technique I just learned which added to the thrill of something so different than the typical doll work.

Today emotionally though I would have to say I spent most of the day numb as I still have the pending anniversary of Ron's death on the 21st and every year it just looms over me, completely detaches me from everything and makes me wonder were the time has really gone. I wish to some degree I could say it has gotten easier but I can not and don't think I will ever be able to say it. The above song by Mariah Carey was actually played at Ron's Calling hours and makes me hope that I can and will rech the point where I can say I am my own Hero--something Ron was able to do.

Yes I have a completely different life now than then, and yes I have accomplished in my opinion some amazing things since then as well but there is a very large part of me that would love to be able to have just one more moment in space and time to really connect on many different and unique levels with Ron and that one more chance to say everything I want and need to say to him.

The last couple of days I have really thought about the degree of happiness we experience and if it is a real and justifiable feeling or is is a feeling brought on by our experiences, exposures to people, place and things--a place of fleeting narvana. If that is the case can one be truely happy all the time. Right now I think the most we can hope for is daily attainable inner peace---right now I do not have that. Are there angels that help and guide us, is there a caring, loving G-d in this world where I feel so alone and with no voice.

It may look that I have this great inner peace to others from the outside but those of you who take the time to sit and read my thoughts know what a struggle it has been and continues to be on many different and profound levels, --at the very least I am mentally stable and have a solid foundation on which to build and for that I am very thankful.

I have deep respect for the late Mother Teresa and one of the things i would love to read is her newest book dealing with her issues of feeling abandoned by G-d. As far as her message that I think we all need to hear this holiday season is one love, forgiveness, humility, compassion and be able to forget. The question for you my frined as well as for myself is can we?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another post for December-- a deeper look inside

Well it was a very quiet day here at home today-- as we were expecting another winter blast. At least the concert was before this huge storm hit. Most of the snow was melted because of the rain and what was left here was this frozen slush stuff that made taking the dogs out difficult--thank G-d for Jim doing it when he is home and all I am left with is when he is at work.

It started snowing again here around 1 p.m. and is still going strong and its now 4:30 p.m. but not nearly the amount of snow we got yesterday, its more this light dusting on top of this slush stuff that I am sure will make it unbearable tonight and tomorrow. Thank heavens all we have to really do is take the dogs out.

Part of this afternoon I spent making homemade lavender soap that I am going to be giving my brother for Christmas. Its the lavender I grew this summer in the back yard, and believe it or not the whole process was incredibly easy. And for as little as $7.00 I am going to end up with 8 bars of home made soap. So if you haven't tried it, you may want to consider it. The other thing I am doing for my brother is a scarf I am crocheting and i spent about 5 hours today doing so till my hands hurt so bad I had to take an Aleve and a break. Its about a foot and a half across and length I am not sure yet but I am hoping at least 4 feet so he has lots of room to wrap around his neck and head.

I know at times I can be extremely sappy if you will, even very emotional--but it has been that way all along and this time of the year is so much worse than other as I have stated before. It is always been more intense keeping things bottled up-- and I am so glad that I have this format to now let all those feelings, emotions and thoughts out. To put a voice to the pain, the loss, the victories, the joys and yes even the fears.

I have spent most of the day looking back at what has made me what I am. Surviving AIDS damn near 20 years, Kaposi Sarcoma Cancer 3 times in 5 years, the loss of 3 very dear and very much loved partners and countless friends to a disease that we still know very little about. Surviving a year in a physically abusive relationship when I was first coming out, surviving a drug and alcohol addiction, surviving 3 suicide attempts in my 20s, surviving a mental breakdown also in my 20's and I think for now I will leave it at that.

But it has made me what I am today--what some would say is this big "bleeding liberal" but it is what and who I am and it has made my heart the size that it is, it has made me realize what is important and what we all need out of our time on this planet.

I know that my reflection
shows exactly who I am
Right now and for the future
My thoughts all written out
for the world to read
to maybe love me
or judge me
But at least I at the
very last I am a
completely open book.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Barry Manilow, New Snow Storm and other stuff

Well last night made up for being really down almost flat for the whole week--Barry Manilow. I bought the tickets months ago and if you drove to the arena in Cleveland when they were on sale--- which is only a 45 minute drive--- they had $10.00 seats. In all honesty they were pretty damn good seats and he sang for 2 solid hours. The other nice thing one he only sang one assortment of Christmas songs and the rest of the concert was all of his standards.

The warm up group was just sheer terrible--they sang awful, were way to loud and the dancers all dressed like whores and danced like strippers at some cheap strip club. And to think they supposedly showcase in Vegas!

But our boy Barry made up for it. We went with lady friends of ours and we had such a nice time. They invited us to dinner at their home before the concert and our visit was just wonderful as well. Didn't get home and in bed till 12:30 a.m. but so freaking what! This song had me an emotional mess last night--crying my head off but it was still my boy Barry. Oy how I love him, big over romantic guy that I am!
object width="425" height="355">
Well that huge snow storm they have been predicting since yesterday has finally hit here around 1:30p.m. today and in under 3 hours we have 4 inches of snow, if we are lucky it (the snow) will last till Christmas is over. As of 6:30 its still snowing. I ran all my errands this morning hoping to miss this storm and I did. It wasn't all that many errands but I really hate driving in a big mess.

No extra funds for any holiday shopping this season unless somebody picks something up from the doll repairs but in all honesty I am not even in the spirit of it yet, sad thing is it may not happen just like I couldn't get into Thanksgiving.

As far as the repairs goes I guess we have decided for now I can not quit entirely as fiscially we can not, and while it has me upset I guess I also understand. I tender to wonder what the hell will happen when I don't have a choice in the matter like now. I will be cutting back considerably almost 1/2 or more as I was not willing to budge on that point at all--as it is what my doctor's want. Jim would like me to cut even more but until I can get at least him paid through the state as "paid care provider" for me that can not and will not happen.

This week emotionally has been one of sheer and utter hell with my being so ill again and then the still pending 5th anniversary of Ron's death--it has been a hell of a ride. At least there are the pain killers I am on for my chest--- that do make me sleep more and keep me dopey--so I really don't have to deal with any of it. There is also 3 other prescriptions fo r this chest thing that cause droziness as well. I have always been one of those--- even on prescription stuff--- I am way out in left field somewhere when taking them--and now I am thankful for it. I know that sounds awful, and I know it sounds dependant but for know it is working and it is all I have.

This season has also brought the very real and very profound realization that boiled down and with all the extras put aside religiously, mentally, spiritually connected and morally I am in the depths of my heart of hearts a Jew. I am in the wrong place at Grace UCC--and how do I tell Jim that, how do I tell the congregation that and how do I make them understand I always have been for the last 20 years plus and always will be. While also being one is nothing terrible--just different--Unique.

I also believe in the depths of my heart of hearts that besides taking sculpting lessons sometime next year that I HAVE to be in the Chaplin Class at Akron Hospital next year as well. Yeah it one 8 hour day a week for a year and yeah I will be a licensed Chaplin when I am done but I also know now that is where G-d wants me. Where he even needs me. I bring something very different and something very unique to the table and I have touched on this before in this blog, but for some reason it all seems so much more real now.

Well until tommorrow--By the way Christina--thanks for th ekind notes and the touching words you keep me inspired.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Doctor's visit and other stuff

Well I went to the docotr's today--my local GP and I was told that the aching in my chest that I have had sincce yesterday is Costochondritis. And that I am to be on bed rest for the next 8 days and I am 3 new presciptions to help treat it. In the mean time I hurt like hell.

Costochondritis is an inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone or sternum. The condition causes localized chest pain that you can reproduce by pushing on the cartilage in the front of your ribcage. This is according to the web, because I couldn't remember half of what she told me in the office about it. I have to be careful she said as it could develop into pneumonia or some other respitory infection. Just what I do not need!

Then to take steps even further she strongly recommended I quit the near full time work schedule with the doll repair as I could no longer "keep up the pace" and it more than likely ruining my health. More or less what my HIV specialist said in November except he said cut it in half to 3/4. Don't ask me how with Christmas and some of the other issues I have brought up here before. I have no idea as of today what on earth I am going to do about it, except pray for my Moses "burning bush" moment.

My GP also said after looking at me too there is a VERY strong possibility that I do have Fibromyalgia, she took it even the step further and said my chances were about 90 percent without even seeing a Fibromyalgia Specialist. There was no real need to see a specialist like that as there is no real treatment for it which my HIV Specialist said--she said though it does make life VERY difficult and so fair they both have hit the nail on the head with that one.

Today is the 5th anniversary of when Ron and I entered Hospice and it is 10 days from when he died---can I say I honestly hate this time of the year with every fiber in my being. With this anniversary so close and the doctors visit today I don't know how much more can be expected of me.
Add too this whole huge mess my brother divorcing--there that is what I couldn't talk about earlier in October, but now with a court date set I am going to finally talk about. First of all I hate her--the soon to be ex-wife more than anything else--- she is to put it shortly the trash white trash people throw out. Makes Britaany Spears look like Mother of the year. Some of the stunts she has pulled would make a good show Dr. Phil, and while I don't want to get into details about it, but there is no way a court is even going to give her temporary custody. The problem or some of it is with my brother feeling guilt about this and that he is somehow--in my opinon--is divorcing not only a Miss Universe but also a patron saint for human kind. Why on earth can some people be so naive. Enough about that it gets me mad that I am the only functional member in a dysfunctional family.

Well my friends I am sorry about the "b*tch fest" but sometimes you just have to say something--ya know.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Holiday Celebration tips

OK, the next two clips from the Wayland Flowers and Madame movie from a few days ago are in this entry as well--and I hope all of you are enjoying a naughty trip down memory lane.

Speaking of naughty I wanted to include some of my favorite cartoons friends have sent me over the years--so hopefully you all have a sense of humor!

I also wanted to share this list that a friend of mine sent in our "Everything Oz" Yahoo group


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards. 1

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Remember this motto to live by: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, sandwich in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

And of course the true diva helping us ring in the Christmas season--Rupaul! And of course hope all of you are enjoying a blessed Hanukkah.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Chanukah and Waylon Flowers with Madame

Well the funky feeling of yesterday has past as well as that Alberta Clipper and some of the snow has melted already believe or not, so it isn't nearly as deep as yesterday. The "girls" though--Jackie and Glinda--the soon to be 6 year old and 2 1/1 year old Shi Itzu's, just love playing in the snow though while me "Daddy" freezes his tukas off. You think they think they are part Saint Bernard or something the way the tow of them carry on in the snow.

Chanukah here has been rather quiet and laid back which has been nice and it has never really beent he craiziness that Christmas takes on. This year its more of a personal journey into myself and my spirituality than ever before. I know to some it may sound very odd but there is a very big part of me that has always and willa lways see myself as a Jew. I guess for the last year it is something I was either trying to hide, something I was ashamed off of--in many ways the way "I felt" about it is hard to explain.

I was browsing "Youtube" yesterday and ran across "an old freind" that some of you may remember especially if you watched Hollywood Squares.... Waylan Flowers and Madame. You know looking back at it now all these years later--we had our share of gay men on tv, and isn't it a sahme the majority of them died form AIDS.

Hopefully you are watching them in order here so they make sense. Isn't all so nice to realize al these years later that Madam was so Risque. So forward for her time. If you don't like "tart things" this may not be your cup of tea. It makes me homesick in a way.

A time before AIDS, a time before I lost all most of gay friends to that damn disease, a time for at least me that the conservatives didn't seem so powerful.

Well kids turn in tommorrow to catch the end of this wonderful Madame tribute.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

More Clipper news and latest blood test results

Well we woke up this morning to 4 inches of snow on the ground, the first real substantial snow this season brought in by that Alberta Clipper. Thank g-d Jim and I put up the plastic around the back door to keep the drafting out--like I am sure many of you do if you have an older home like we do. It does make a difference, even if just a small one--and even if its just in the gas bill or the not so cold tile floor by the back door. Non-frozen tootsies are happy tootsies!!

Spent part of my afternoon yesterday helping the lady that heads the activities department at the Nursing home set up their 15 foot artificial tree and then this ceramic house display as well. Was actually there again this morning to finish the houses, and even though very cold here and very snowy it was a nice chance to do something different and out of the house.
Came home after the job was done and had lunch did some doll work and the next thing I knew I had "tossed my cookies"< as they say politely> and lunch was well in the wastebasket. Not sure what brought that about but went and laid down after I got my senses back and slept for about 3 to 3 1/2 hours.

I spoke with my HIV Specialist today and because I was sick and I skipped so many of my medicine doses my counts have gone goofy again from an undetectable viral load to one now is 125,000 and a T-cell count of 385 to 77. S o no matter how ungodly I feel I can't afford to skip a dose. You would think I would know this after 16 years of living with this--but there are some days where getting anything in me I am doing good.

Jim and I spoke briefly about him giving me my pills before he leaves every morning for work and every night before supper--kind of like a witness that I have taken them--as my short term memory isn't what it once was either and that is even with a pillbox. And no it is n't a new hat

You know its ironic in many ways that Judy--years ago I had an over the counter/ prescribed drug problem and an alcohol problem and like I think I have said here I spent time in Betty Ford because of it--but nowI have trouble remembering to take them and feeling well enough to take them. As Jim says the alternative is not an option--while I feel may of you feel the same way.

Well it is off to work on ym Seceret Santa Gift Exchange for my Everything Oz Group. So till next time----"Life is a banquet ands most poor son's o a bitches are startving to death---so live, live, live"

Monday, December 3, 2007

Alberta Clipper, new dog and drag queens- Oh my

Well an Alberta clipper has roared through Ohio and where I grew up about 45 minutes from where I live now has had a foot of snow. We lucked out and have only an inch so far, but the FREEZING weather has me very stiff, very sore and achy--you have to love/hate arthritis when you live in Ohio this time of the year.

So anybody else watching "Tinman" on the Sci-Fi channel--very interesting twists in characters so many of us know so well. My favorite twist has to be the "lion" as the psychic/healer. Got me to thinking last night of writing my own version of the beloved Oz story with a whole new twist to it as well. Not sure if I will but hope all of you are catching it.

Have to say the dog "Glinda" and I are becoming the best of friends and she is just in such need of lots of love, she will sit on my chest or in my lap happy as can be for HOURS or in Jim's lap as well. We are beginning to wonder though if she may have been abused by an owner?! Jackie that is the other Shi Itzu we have had for over 2 years and her are getting somewhat along but it is still only the second day.

Been very busy still on that big customer job and was working today on finishing the dolls shoes and started work on the hand made Mohair wig--the Top Knot style of wig which is not my favorite to make in all honesty, but she is coming along beautifully. Will posts pictures of her when I have it done.

The last 2 days though have been very hard physically on me as I have been suffering form these absolutely horrific headaches that are running across the whole length of my head and are causing some serious dizziness. I may have mentioned them already but it seemed so much worse today--this of course is the worst time of the year with all of the Holiday doll work than all the normal work the Holidays bring and Hanukkah only a few days away. Going to mention it to my GP when we see her next week and if there is something I can do to try to battle them. I have a good idea she is going to say rest---OY!!!

Well since it is the start of the holidy season--lets do somethign fun with my "Youtube post"--how about a big ole fierce drag queen --Rupaul! Don't ya just love that FAB-U-LOUS WIG she is wearing--honey's I think I here my inner queen calling my name--so off to tease my wigs

Well kids until next time.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Snow ice storm and a new friend

Well tonight is the start of our first real snow and ice storm here tonight and it is bitter cold--the kind that cuts right through you when the wind blows. The kind your nose instantly runs and your forze to the bone, think tommorrow will be spent inside except long enought to take the dog out.

The "cold" or start of it is about hte same today the only difference today was the incredible head ache/ringing I had all day long along with this "indescribable" dizzy feeling,a nd we all know that there is nothing worse than a "dizzy queen"

Been working on this rather large job for a doll customer and trying very hard to get it done soon for some extra money for Christmas, it has been hard though feeling the way I do here lately.

One new note of great intrest to my readers is my newest freind that I just love to pieces---my newest "baby" if you will a will be 3 year old (this April actually) female Shi Itzu-- that is the same color as my Jackie, smaller in size though--we decided to name are you all ready---GLINDA! Yep I went there named my dog after an Oz character. Will have to take some pictures of her to post here but we got her last night from the same owner as Jackie and here is the kicker we got Glinda for FREE! The woman just wanted her to have a loving caring home! Well Jim and I can do that!

Since today is World AIDS Awareness Day, let us all take the time and remember the dead, keep in our prayers the living and ask G-d in his wisdom to grant us a cure.

And then in honor of my newest baby--her namesake.....