You know that last week of school, when we were children and we literally counted down the minutes till summer break? Remember how the time seemed to drag on and we thought the last day would never come, ever? Than it was those hot hazy days of picnics, going to the beach, amusement parks, getting a tan, the county fair and it was all sadly over. The days of summer break had somehow flown by with out our knowing it.
Well today July 16, 2008 is a mix of both of those days. I woke up this morning, that yes indeed, I had made the hurdle and at 7:45 a.m. I have officially 17 years living with AIDS. The time has flown by like those childhood summer breaks we used to have, except there has been just brief moments---- of the beach, the circus-- those moments of sheer happiness are what makes that time stand out clear as they were yesterday. Those are the moments I cherish with my every being, that I cling to like a child does to his teddy bear, maybe that's why I collect them.
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