According to

According to
According to the 01/09/11

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Weekend post

Well gang, I first want apologize for not posting since Wednesday. Friday and Saturday in all honesty was some of the worst days walking wise I have had in a long, long time. The pain was shooting down my leg and a lot of it in my left knee and foot. Thursday in the morning it seemed like all I did was sleep--as the fatigue was so bad--while the afternoon and evening was answering phone calls.

I also want to thank one of my best long-distance friends Weaver for calling me. Sweetie you have no idea how much you brightened my day by calling, making me laugh forget for a while how bad things have been and for simply caring, it meant the world to me. For Christina, who always knows what to say in e-mails I also want to thank you as well--especially considering you absoultely, positively know where I am coming from, being sick yourself. I hope you are feeling some better and know that you have been in my prayers fo a long, long time.

Speaking of prayers, my mother needs them badly she faces surgery on her back very soon for 4 fractured vertebra from a fall she had Saturday the week I was in the emergency room. If she opts for no surgery or is not eligble for it because of her own health issues she will be basically bed-ridden and my mother is only 60 this year. She is way to young for this, in my opinion and I know that prayer when said can work miracles. If anyone would like to send her a card---- e-mail me privately and I will give you the adress--just sign them with your name and a friend of Charlie's

Being where I can barely walk across a room myself at many times and not being out of the house in over 2 weeks I feel utterly helpless, in regards to what is going on with my mother. The family is supppose meet with her doctor on Monday sometime and I have a friend going in my place but-somehow it doesn't feel the same. As the old saying goes--"when it rains it pours".

I do know that I have been so far able to handle it--I do have my moments, who doesn't--because of everything I have seen, lived through and experienced because of the 20 years of being in the trenches of AIDS. You grow up fast, for me I had to also know what I wanted, who I wanted in my life and honestly what I simply woudn't tolerate. It hasn't been easy but it has made me who I am. For that I am thankful. As the old Jerry Herman song says "I am what I am".
On that note, keep me in your prayers--Charlie

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