Monday, April 30, 2007

May 2nd--Finally what i have been waiting for

Ok ya'all I have been waiting months and months for it to finally happen and it has "Dreamgirls" on DVD. Kids, this movie was the biggest most bitchingist movie this guy has ever seen --EVER! Jennifer Hudson carries most of the damn thing and has our home girl Beyonce BEAT by a mile. Fabulous outfits, great songs and till May 4th I believe only $15.99 at Giant Eagle and you earn Fuel Perks too--WHOPPEE--Guess who bought it and going to probably wear the damn thing out!!!

Other than that a rather quiet day here very sunny mornig and afterronn a few more days and the lilac's will be blooming, will have to cut some and bing them in to enjoy. That leather bodied German doll is crapola--whole bottom half everytime I touched it disinegrated--going to have to make a whole new lower body and maybe upper too.

Have a friend who happens to be a professional photographer pohotgraph all my new work/paintings so will be doing posts with them in the next few days--So stay tuned and check them out. Including a very special tribute painting I did for a very special lady and someone I would have loved to had been friends with along with a very touching and tear provoking YouTube post.

Started on 65 outfits for the Strawberry Shortcake Convention that I agreed to do for them, and get this kids--I'm getting paid---Yippee!!!!! All the same outfit of my choice and they are the convention souveniors--My name in the spot light But OY VEY, what a teeny weenie doll. I will either go blind or crazy . I am dedicated and a few people say nuts. Until then enjoy the original "Effie White" Jennifer Holiday----And I am Telling You I am not going......

PEACE out and love


April 30th

Well gang, its the end of April and I have no idea where it all went. Is it me or does time to go faster the older we get? Remember the days in grade school when we all were counting days till summer vacation and a month seemed to be an eternity away? Oh, for those simpler times--at times.

Jim is feeling much better today than yesterday so thank you all for praying for him, maybe it was just a 24 hour thing. But last night was Jackie's (my 5 year old Shi Itzu) night for being sick. Five times of cleaning up doggie barf is even taxing for the strong stomach person but when its me and my "weak constitution" it was a little much. I know not her fault but trying none the less. So I skipped doing all the hair and make-up for the cast of "My Fair Lady" last night as my baby comes first. I know a fair amount of us agree with that statement when it comes to our pets.

I spoke with a friend yesterday via e-mail and for those of you lucky enough to be going to the 2007 National Barbie Doll Collectors Convention, you all have less than 2 months to go. Wish Jim and i were going as it has been 3 years since our last time, but it isn't the cards this year. Maybe for Barbie's 50Th Birthday in Washington D.C.

This morning its of to the local elementary school to see about enrolling my 7 year old nephew in the fall as my brother is planning on moving down in here June if all goes as planned. It will be nice having them closer considering gas is $3.00 here again and talk it will be $4.00 bu summer. I think its time to buy a horse !

Well this morning was one of those days where you stumble out of bed at 5 a.m. bleary eyed having to pee, you do and go back to bed to find out you can't fall back asleep oh well maybe I can get more done today than normal or at the very take a longer nap . Its off to start my day and if I get a chance as I go will update you how it all unfolds.

Until then my friends now that you are in my thoughts--- Friends, I pray that life will treat you kind, the wind always at your back , give us faith that we will be safe and your day filled with grace.

Peace out---Charlie

Sunday, April 29, 2007

For my Friends--- I Do Love You All

Well Jim is feeling some better after about 13 hours of sleep, so thank you all for your prayers. He still feels a little sore and tired so let's keep praying he is back on his feet rather fast. We skipped church this morning so to some degree this video maybe made up for it.

This also tho is for all of you in my life that I hold so very close to my heart some longer then others but it is all of you that add richness and fullness to my life and for that I am very thankful "That You Are My Friend"! I guess my mood this morning is just one of thank fullness for what I have.

Maybe it's this time of the year with everything growing and blooming. All the tulips Jim and I planted last fall are in full bloom all 100 of them--Just gorgeous I might add, the hostas are springing up, the lilac is getting its little tiny buds that in weeks will be full fragrant blooms and the wilted grass has been mowed twice already and is so green, and each day I awake I am feeling more blessed and graced to be given the opportunity to live it.

It also could be, because I lost this week an old friend Flloyd (yes his real name) on Tuesday. I knew he had been ill some time with throat cancer but I guess I didn't realize how ill he was till I got the e-mail that he had died. What I can't to seem to remember tho is if he was also HIV+. Not that it makes a huge difference, its just I can't remember.

I first met Flloyd when I moved back to Ohio after living in Ft. Lauderdale for a brief period of time. I was a mere 20 years old, and I just recently outed myself to my family and friends.

I met Flloyd at the very first Cleveland gay bar I had been to. I had been to many before that but in Florida and a few in other cities but never Cleveland. Anyway, the night I met Flloyd he was his "alter ego" Ms. Magnolia Thunder***** (for the faint of heart, or those that take offense easily, I left some of the spelling out). He was a Scag Drag Queen as it is called in the business. For those needing to know what that is--- it is a drag queen but with his beard or moustache and maybe both. Anyway, "Maggie", as friends called him in and out of drag had blue glitter in his moustache and eyebrows in this horrific dress from Goodwill and was getting ready to do this comedy number based on Patsy Cline's "Crying".

"Maggie", being the guy he was--was fond of younger "men" and dressed as he was proceeded to hit on yours truly! I guess I was the dish in my younger days . Nothing ever romantically ever became of it, but we were very close "girlfriends" as he called us.

He was the first to help to start Cleveland's chapter of ACT UP which I belonged too, Queer Nation and the very first Ohio Queen to raise money and awareness to those dying of AIDS in a hospice setting called Kamana House.

He and I with many, many others did what he called "Cabaret Under the Stars" for years with all of the proceeds going to Kamana House. The show of course was in his home bar "The Leather Stallion" and was the seasons first outdoor show and rasied thousands of dollars yearly. How fitting his memorial show'service will be one of the first shows outdoors and I will be their as his friend.

"Maggie" my friend, I'll miss you terribly, miss those hideous and hysterical costumes, the even funnier routines and your tender, giving, caring heart. Rest in Peace my friend and start planning that huge "Cabaret of the Stars in Heaven" when we all get there.

Peace Out-

Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Fair Lady and First "You Tube" Video post

Well the last few days have been for me with doing all the hair and make-up for most of the cast of "My Fair Lady" that our community theatre is doing, the one I was suppose to be Henry Higgins in but ending up leaving because of the pneumonia I had in March. it has been long nights and lots of costumes to change but it is so different than doll work that I just love it! Jackie (thats my 5 yo Shi Itzu) hates my being gone that long.

The bear is finished thank G-d and started work on a kid leather body on a German Headed doll today. The body for the most part is all dried rot and cover most of it in new duck cloth. Going to be pain I can tell. The thing is stuffed with saw dust to boot which makes tis incredibly messy. Should only be a few days worth of work I hope.

Jim worked half a shift tonight and came home sick, so join me and pray that he gets to feeling better soon, and add to that--that whatever it is Jim has I don't get! Which by the way, I usually do ,groan>.

Also gang just as of today learned how to add "You Tube" videos to my site so will be posting some periodically that will fit my overall mood or the mood of the post. The below is in the spirit of playfulness that I am feeling right now. Hope you all enjoy the blast from the past. Anyone else wear their hair in the "Madonna bob" like I did?

Peace out

"[Faith] is the response of the soul to the divine thrust toward perfection,
toward greater, more perfect wholes."
-- Rabbi Jacob B. Agus

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Well, yesterday was spent first at my Art Classes that I take at an actual studio and I am still working on my very first Landscape in Oil and have been since October it is coming along nicely. Considering the class is only 3 hours long and only once I week I guess the time line is enough. I a m at the point though at the class were I would love to finish this piece and start a new one.

The painting I am working on now at home is coming along nicely and will post a picture of it as soon as I have it done and a picture taken. I personally think its one of the best I have done. I don't want to tip my hand at what it is I am painting as I want all of you fairly surprised!

By the time class was over it was lunch at the house which Jim had ready and time to change my clothes grab some Cd's and get in the car for my doctor's appointment. It's almost an hour drive for me to the doctor's office but he is the best in his field and I have seen him for years. he wants me to have new blood work the first week of May, see a dermatologist for the rash on my hands and other than that my next check-up with him is in August. Coming back wasn't as fast with the construction, fog, rain and RUSH HOUR traffic which snarled its way it seemed for ever and a hour and a half later I was home. Thank G-d for cell phones so Jim knew what had happened even though he was already at work.

It was a real quiet night here finishing that stupid bear for one of our customers and all I have left is to sew on his nose and mouth which I will do this afternoon with other sewing jobs I have. The rain continued most of the night here. This morning though my day started at 6 a.m. as I couldn't sleep and started in on some overdue doll work, did the dishes, and made some ice tea.

I would like to take the time to invite all of you who read my site to take the time and check out Sean Tataryn's Myumee's New My Space page . Between the incredible photos the other thing that really grabbed me was the music!!! It was like Madonna club music, just utterly FAB-U-LOUS!!! That's three words kids and not one to make it last longer !! All I have to do now is figure out is how to add music here. Maybe not Madonna but something different and FUN!!! Sean if you are reading this GREAT work and great blog. If I can't figure it out maybe make the switch to My Space !! I don't even know if you my readers would follow me to a third new site . Going to have to see if there is a HTML for Dummies book.
Well gang next time, keep happy, busy and love from my home to yours.
Peace out
"To be fully human is to believe in something or someone,
to know that it's possible to face the unimaginable
and somehow put one foot in front of the other
until you manage to find your home again."
-- Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Aprill 22nd--My thoughts

Well the last few days since i posted last have been rather quiet--church on Sunday with special prayes said for the victims of Virginia Tech, thoughts on Earth Day and of course the sermon as well. Today was rather un eventfull full of my working on a real mink teddy bear for a customer from an old mink stole. Fully jointed including a swivel head. Right now all and all I am about 3 months behind in my doll work, and while my depression meds seem to be working I still am finding it rather hard to stay focused on "the work" and not slack off. Do others have this same problem, and if so how do they beat it?

With Jim being penalized for making to much on Social Security again the doll repair money is needed, and I feel guilty slaking off and not staying focused but I feel as I am losing my "heart" in this, or at the very least my vision. If I could get it together again like it was at Christmas I could make $2,100 which I am sure many of you think is motive enough. But when it all goes to bills and nothing more it gets discouraging.

I believe this is why I am painting more and now with Jim thinking I could sell some of it I worry about it turning into another "business" where I "HAVE TO PAINT", and that is the last thing I want to have happen. He hasn't pressured me to sell , so don't get that idea its just that he thinks I could.

I go to the doctors on Wednesday and I am going to be discussing my fatigue and some other personal things that are happening and I guess we will wait and see where it leads. The hard part has been the fatigue and the 2 hour naps I need everyday around 1 p.m. it does grow old and is in my eyes "wasted time"

Well I finished reading "Son of a Witch" by Gregory Maguire and it was wonderful, great cliff hanging ending and a must read on my list if your looking for a good book. I just started his book "Lost" and will let you know what I think of it when I am done. Can't read some of the others he has written. He is vastly becoming a favorite author.

Well this lovely Cher doll is by a GREAT Artist Noel Cruz and is currently on E-bay. At moments like these I am like many other doll collectors and wish I had the money to buy this incredible beauty and incredible likeness of the Ultimate DIVA herself!! I am fortunate enough to own a gene Noel repainted as Lucille Ball from the "I Love Lucy" days and then I made her this 40's inspired dress from antique material. I have admired Noel's work since I first discovered him years ago and this is just sheer wonderful!

I like many of you I am sure watch the E-bay auctions a lot and llike you I am simply stunned at what some of them sell for. Then you add to that what some of these antique ones sell for hat you see in print and what they sell for I would be constantly broke if I had it to spend in the first place !

I do hope you come often to my blog and read what is happening in my life and I hope many of you grow from what I share, share with me what you think and feel as well and especially in the form of feed back. Those that are close to my heart it is my hope that we grow closer, those beginning to know me it is my hope we become good friends and that together--yes we can and do make the difference.

"People never fail to amaze me.
They face the unimaginable with a shot of grace and a rush of adrenaline;
they steel their nerves;
they summon their cool or anger or faith or whatever it takes to pull them through,
and they go on to live another day."
-- Oprah Winfrey
Peace Out-

Thursday, April 19, 2007

April 19th, 2007 Just my day

Well yesterday was a very busy day here with my usual Art Classes in the morning (actually 10 to 1 p.m.) Jim had lunch ready when I got back and will be so happy when I will be able to eat crunchy foods again, after having those teeth pulled Monday. Then it was a brief nap as still get very tired out mid-afternon. Think this last time with pneumonia took a lot out of me and may take a while to get back to where I was before getting sick.

The afternoon I varnished to paintings I had done and the job was easier than I thought a little more messy than anticipated but still an easy job. Then worked on 3 of the 4 window floral arrangements I am doing for our community theater's production of "My Fair Lady". Yes the same one that I was suppose to be Henry Higgins but had to quit because of the pneumonia. There is absolutely this charming woman helping me with it and with all the hair and makeup for the production as well. Right now physically I couldn't commit to anything more than that.

The evening was quiet with my painting and watching "American Idol". Persoanlly I am hoping Melinda Doolittle gets the title.

If you have been reading your paper like I have and the unfolding story at Blacksburg Virginia and the shootings at Virginia Tech--I find myself asking a lot of questions. "Your Mercededs wasn't enough you brats. Your golden necklaces weren't enough you snobs. Your trust funds weren't enough. Your vodka and cognac was enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonisitc needs. You had everything. You had a hundred billion chances and ways to avoided today, but you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off" C. Seung-Hui.

I think for myself personally I find that one of the more disturbing things C. Seung-Hui said, and maybe to some degree he maybe right. Stay with me here for a bit, it has always been an "Are we better than the Jones" society. We are always wanting more, and to some degree living above and beyond our means and for some in this country to the point of bankruptcy, and losing everything we have. The newer car, the larger house, huge portions at restraunts we eat at, designer clothing and the list goes on and on and on. I am not saying by any means that this young man had a "good reason to do what he did" as nothing ever justifies murder. What I am saying is maybe just maybe we as a collective whole of Americans need to re-examine what we find most important.

Do we have loving, caring, supportive relationships with our spouses, our parents, our children, our friends? Do we enjoy or have some kind of religious/spiritual/ healing pratice that we try to practice or adhere to every day? Do we tell the people in our lives how much we love them? Do we try to lead a blameless life that enriches our souls and the souls of others. I could go on but I think you get the idea.

For me I think the media has crumbled to a degree and has given this yong man what he wanted "attention"--world wide attention at that. I am not saying he or this should be swept under the carpet but are we only going to focus on the negatives and not the positives. I in the last few days find I spend alot of time thinking of the widow of the teacher/holocaust survivor who laid down his own life to save the lives of his students. G-d Bless Liviu Liberscu and his sacrfice, I know he is and will be one of the heros of this tragic event.

In the mean time I pray for the survivors who were shot, the families who are grieving for those who were killed and that we as humans walk away learning the larger lesson. That of forgiveness even in the darkest of hours, and that we cherish what we have for as long as we have it.

"I pray for all of us, oppressor and friend, that together we succeed in building a betterworld through human understanding and love."
-- The Dalai Lama
Peace Out-

Monday, April 16, 2007

Never Again--Holocaust Rememberance Day

In Rememberance of the millions killed during the Holocaust, the thousands who survived "Hell on Earth", lest we forget. Yesterday was International Holocaust Rememberance Day, lets pray never again.

And now, I pray thee, let the power of the Lord be great,
according as thou hast spoken. Remember, O Lord, thy
tender mercies and thy loving kindness: for they have been ever old.
Magnified and sanctified be his name in the world which
he hath created according to his will. May he
establlish his kingdom during your life and during
your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel,
even speedily and a near time, and and say ye, Amen.
Let His great name be blessed for ever and to all eternity
Blessed, praised and glorified, exalted, extolled
and honoured, magnified and lauded be the name of the
Holy One, blessed be he: though he be high above all the
blessings and hymns, praises and consolations, which are
uttered in the world; and say ye, Amen.
Let the name of the Lord be blessed from this time
forth and forevermore.
May there be abundant peace from heaven,
and life for us and for all Israel; and say ye, Amen.
My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
He who maketh peace in high places,
may he make peace for us and for all Israel; and say ye, Amen.
The Mourners Kaddish in English

My first Blog entry

Well, I have the basics set up I think for this site--So let's start blogging as they say.
This morning started out at the dentists office to have what was left of 2 teeth pulled and I have one more to go, then all my cleaning, filling/cavatiy work is done and all we have left is the partial that I need. So lots of Novacain, Gas and a slight head ache and I am finally getting to the point where i like my teeth.

This afternoon was spent setting up this blog site and sitting in shock about the 20 some people killed at Virginia Tech College. I like many of you first heard about it on the news and am horrified to think that one person can kill 20 and wound another 20 on top of that, what kind of person/monster does this to another human being. That this college campus, probably like many around our country had no real security set up to prevent this from happening and never thought it would happen. Personally I think the college should close for more than 2 days for students to adjust to the shock, go home for a break if they want, attend funerals if the want and try to gather their heads--I know I would have to! Hopefully they they will. In the mean time I hope that we as a nation and as a people can join in prayer for those families and friends who lost a loved one in this killing, and for those wounded will recovery quickly.

Well on a more personal note, I have been busy working as ever on dolls/doll repairs and have to get off my rear end and take and post some pictures of what I have done repair wise as well as my paintings. Jim wants to check out a gallery that sells art work see if my stuff fits in and then set up an appointment for them to look at my stuff. Lets keep our fingers crossed that it all goes well.

I have a doctors appointment with my AIDS Specialist on the 23rd of this month and post what I learn that day if anything new. Let's hope there is nothing--that would be a nice change! I just got the "bill" from the biopsies and surgery I had last month and all I have to say is thank G-d I have Medicaid/Medicare as the bill was $11,000!! Can you believe that! That is more than I make in 2 years on Social Security, can it possibly cost that much? That my friends is a trip to Europe! And yet hospitals are suppose to be non-profit , aren't they?

Well off to work.

Peace out--Charlie