Other than that a rather quiet day here very sunny mornig and afterronn a few more days and the lilac's will be blooming, will have to cut some and bing them in to enjoy. That leather bodied German doll is crapola--whole bottom half everytime I touched it disinegrated--going to have to make a whole new lower body and maybe upper too.
Have a friend who happens to be a professional photographer pohotgraph all my new work/paintings so will be doing posts with them in the next few days--So stay tuned and check them out. Including a very special tribute painting I did for a very special lady and someone I would have loved to had been friends with along with a very touching and tear provoking YouTube post.
Started on 65 outfits for the Strawberry Shortcake Convention that I agreed to do for them, and get this kids--I'm getting paid---Yippee!!!!! All the same outfit of my choice and they are the convention souveniors--My name in the spot light
PEACE out and love