With Jim being penalized for making to much on Social Security again the doll repair money is needed, and I feel guilty slaking off and not staying focused but I feel as I am losing my "heart" in this, or at the very least my vision. If I could get it together again like it was at Christmas I could make $2,100 which I am sure many of you think is motive enough. But when it all goes to bills and nothing more it gets discouraging.
I believe this is why I am painting more and now with Jim thinking I could sell some of it I worry about it turning into another "business" where I "HAVE TO PAINT", and that is the last thing I want to have happen. He hasn't pressured me to sell , so don't get that idea its just that he thinks I could.
I go to the doctors on Wednesday and I am going to be discussing my fatigue and some other personal things that are happening and I guess we will wait and see where it leads. The hard part has been the fatigue and the 2 hour naps I need everyday around 1 p.m. it does grow old and is in my eyes "wasted time"
Well I finished reading "Son of a Witch" by Gregory Maguire and it was wonderful, great cliff hanging ending and a must read on my list if your looking for a good book. I just started his book "Lost" and will let you know what I think of it when I am done. Can't read some of the others he has written. He is vastly becoming a favorite author.

Well this lovely Cher doll is by a GREAT Artist Noel Cruz and is currently on E-bay. At moments like these I am like many other doll collectors and wish I had the money to buy this incredible beauty and incredible likeness of the Ultimate DIVA herself!! I am fortunate enough to own a gene Noel repainted as Lucille Ball from the "I Love Lucy" days and then I made her this 40's inspired dress from antique material. I have admired Noel's work since I first discovered him years ago and this is just sheer wonderful!
I like many of you I am sure watch the E-bay auctions a lot and llike you I am simply stunned at what some of them sell for. Then you add to that what some of these antique ones sell for hat you see in print and what they sell for I would be constantly broke if I had it to spend in the first place
I do hope you come often to my blog and read what is happening in my life and I hope many of you grow from what I share, share with me what you think and feel as well and especially in the form of feed back. Those that are close to my heart it is my hope that we grow closer, those beginning to know me it is my hope we become good friends and that together--yes we can and do make the difference.
"People never fail to amaze me.
They face the unimaginable with a shot of grace and a rush of adrenaline;
they steel their nerves;
they summon their cool or anger or faith or whatever it takes to pull them through,
and they go on to live another day."
-- Oprah Winfrey
They face the unimaginable with a shot of grace and a rush of adrenaline;
they steel their nerves;
they summon their cool or anger or faith or whatever it takes to pull them through,
and they go on to live another day."
-- Oprah Winfrey
Peace Out-
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