This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY!
I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
Every now and again the right person comes along grabs you by the shirt front and says "this is the way it is and you need to see it right now". I have a few of those friends in my life and ever now and then they do exactly that, grab my shirt front and say "Mary Louise, get over it". I need that at times more than anything else. Christina once again wrote this wonderful response in regard to yesterday's post about my fear, insecurity and doubt. This is what she said........
I think that perfectionist are their own worst enemies. And most artists I know are perfectionists. I know because I am one and it has cost me a great deal of joy too in my life. Not wanting company to come visit for example because the house wasn't perfectly clean, not finishing a vision of some outfit because I thought it would not be perfect. Sometimes it is in the mistakes we find the perfect design, the perfect vision. But if we hold back out of fear we never get to see what we are capable of accomplishing.
Getting ill I had to give up on a lot of my perfectionist attitudes because I could no longer control how clean the house was because someone else had to clean it. I found I wasted a lot of opportunities for happiness that had come my way because I was afraid of feeling like a failure.
We sabotage our own success out of fear of failure before we ever attempt a project. I have done it myself in the past too. One thing I found that helps is to just jump in and "do it". Don't concentrate on the end results so much as the ride.
Enjoy the roller coaster ride in life for it ends all too suddenly. Think how boring a roller coaster would be if it just went on a flat surface going at a safe speed.It might be safe, there may not be any anxiety over that ride because there would be no insecurity or fear of failure taking out the "what if's" but how boring, a journey it would be!
The ups and downs are what make life's journey so exciting. Entering a fashion contest can be very stressful but it is the difficulty going up that ride that makes riding down the coaster with the wind in your hair and your hand holding the prize in so exciting. So very, very worth it.
So don't look at the ride with the scary bumps ahead as the thing that holds you back. Look at the ride in life and the scary parts being the thing that takes you to the amazing view at the top that makes the journey in life so amazing!
Carpe Diem! Seize the day and don't fret the small stuff, for it won't matter when we're gone anyway.
Sending my love!
Thanks for the grabbing my shirt front and reminding me something I knew in the back of my head and needed to see anytime you need to do it again please do. In the meantime I am embracing my inner FIERCE self, Look out because here comes THE FIERCENESS!!!
It is so hard to believe February's last day is tomorrow, where has the time gone? It flew by so fast and yet all of you have been faithful readers have been there every step of the way reading about my life, my thoughts and feelings. There are times where words fail, things are to painful to talk about, where I would be totally exposed, raw beyond words and I am not so sure thats why all of you come here.
I try to keep it encouraging, upbeat and most of all I try my best to keep it real. The struggle for me this month has been my lack of self confidence more than normal and my trying to get over it as they say. It has been painful, all to real and in many ways probably holds me back.
I am tired of it, I no longer want to be in my own way. I want all of the possibilities for me to happen, all the doors to open and to be the best possible me I can be. Go where I need to go, be who I need to be and do what I need to do. The sky I am finding out is the limit. The last week has been the hardest because I want the summer semester to be here already. Summer semester for me means Studio Fashion classes and I don't want to wait any longer to be in them.
I know G-d is going to provide the 5 students besides my self we need for the class to happen and I know I am going to do the best I can when I get there, it is "just the getting there" as they say. Right now over all I know i Have a good solid B in my classes and that is where I will find my confidence. As of today I am going to claim it outright! It is past time I do. Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.
I just had to take the time and thank Christina for her comment to yeseterday's blog. She is this very dear friend of mine from the Chicago area and she is like a second mother to me. Simply because I know she gets exactly what I am talking about, a fellow sufferer of Fibromyalgia I adore her more than she knows. There are many times I wish I was closer to help her and Larry with what they face, but I do know she is in my thoughts and prayers all the time. This is what she wrote...........
Oh I can relate. I know that somewhere, somehow there is an answer to this profound fatigue that pulls you into the bowels of hell, pain that chews you up and spits you out leaving you writhing in bed despite pain meds.
I keep telling Larry that I just wish I could walk , and stand and just get a hug like other people without it being so painful and so darn tiring. Just to get ready to go somewhere takes all the energy I have. Then going to whatever place takes days worth of energy that I must then spend days doing nothing to recoup. It is a heavy price to pay to go to the grocery store or out to see family.
But despite it all I don't give up because that is not in my nature and not yours either. I guess that is the secret to winning this war on fibro/chronic fatigue, not giving up and waiting for that cure. I just hope I haven't lost the best part of my life by the time they find it. Until then I too, do the best I can, the most I can, and pay the price for trying to just enjoy the simple things in life.
Don't despair, there are so many of us that are in the life boat trying to get to shore that do understand and do care. It's just our disease keeps us many times from getting out there with others that share the boat.
Well today was what I refer to as my crash day. Go to school, come home and go right to bed. The weather here has been so g-d damn depressing, the work this semester as I have said before has been some of the hardest and well the fibromyalgia I really believe has been acting up again worse than ever.
I wake up ung-dly sore all over, and there are days where it literally hurts to put my shoes on, let alone touch me. Somehow I do, drag myself out of bed, take a scalding hot shower, shave most days get dressed and slip on my shoes. I know it doesn't sound like much but when you feel like you have been thrown under the bus its a big freaking deal.
I just want so badly to achieve that I feel it is the driving force that keeps me moving. To struggle on, to be the person I know I am on the inside. I know this all sounds trite, but I guess it is my mood here lately. There are days where I just want to be so open, so honest and so frank about everything that I am sure for some it would scare them away screeaming into the night. But I feel many times there is literally no one to talk to. No one that relates and well it gets awfully lonely and very depressing. I mean how do you even start such a conversation like that in the first place? Oh by the way...........?
My one bright spot in all of this is my dogs. I have three, if your a new reader here, all female Shi Itzu's Jackie who is now 9, Glinda who is now 5 and Toto who is 4 and kids believe me when I say they fill a huge void by unconditionally loving me, needing me and happy to see me when I come home. They listen to my deepest and darkest thoughts, my secrets ambitions and know me better than anyone else.
They are the first faces I almost always see in the morning, many times Jim leaves for work before I am up and there they are---waiting for "daddy". Where is this post going I have no idea or what is my point--I am not sure, I guess I am just in a funk and I need to talk about. Isn't that what freinds are for? Maybe I just need some warm weather to snap out of it?! By the way can you believe already over 5,000 readers to this blog, how does that happen? Maybe somebody does relate?!
Just because it is snowing again, all together now ENOUGH ALREADY!!! So in that frame the old Connie Francis number "Where The Boys Are" sung by none other the fabulous Flitrations lead by Michael Callen. Unfortunately years ago AIDS claimed Michael's life and that incredible voice is now silent. But in the meantime enjoy Michael and the Flirtations singing and the shirtless men! How many days till summer?
Well today went better than yesterday thankfully. I got my painting grade so far and I am so happy to say I am getting a B+ which I am very pleased with, it was a relief after feeling so stupid yesterday. This afternoon Jim took me down into Holmes County, which is the heart of Amish Country and we went antiquing one of my favorite past times. We had such a nice time, it was the first trip down since before Christmas because of al the bad weather we have had since then. We bought some odds and ends and my big buy of the day was 12 yards total of 3 different sheer fabrics at 55 cents A YARD!
Zinks Fabric is this outlet place with some nicer things and a lot of middle the road things--I am sure I would have found more if I had spent the time. But kids I couldn't pass, so if any of of you KSU fashion designers are reading and want to go to Zink's let me know and we can plan a road trip. I also got a few 25 cent lace collars that normally would have been $10.00 or more and three pairs of really cheap pants that all I have to do is sew in the hem of. Like I said a nice trip and not spending a lot either!
Not much else to really chat about today it was a rather slow day but on the fashion front a good day. Until next time--I am so glad we had this time together
I know I posted this video a few times in my blog, in the time I have been running it but everytime I listen to it the song takes on new meaning! After a day of feeling dumber than a rock I guess I need to just unwind and rest. My dumb feeling came because I filled in my "bubble test" for history with pen instead of pencil and it marked all but 3 of my answers as WRONG! So the teacher has to regrade it before I know how I really did----DUH! Anyway it has just been one of those days and I am in a not so great mood! But thanks for reading and for sharing this time with me--tomorrow is another day!
Every now and then I read something non-Oz and every now and then it changes everything I know. "Precious" by Sapphire did that for me, it changed my outlook.
If you are unfamiliar with the story it is about a 16 year old illiterate African American girl who happens to be pregnant for the second time. Her pregnancy is the result of her being sexually molested by her father. If that were not enough in itself the same girls first child is born mongoloid and is raised by her grandmother even though Precious' mother receives Welfore for both of them.
The story is told in an illiterate written language that drives the story even harser than what it would have been written normally. It is like sitting and speaking with Precious. She is not only molested by her father but molested and abused by her monster mother, who makes Joan Crawford look like June Cleaver. This story is filled with obsenties and not for the faint of heart or the conservative reader, but for the reader that wants their world turn upside down, inside out and left feeling G-d did I just read that.
Overweight, pregnant, illiterate, beaten and trying to get her GED Precious rises from the ashes of her personal hell to tell her story and even when the trauma of finding out her father has died of AIDS. She than finds out she has it as well, 16 years old and in the 1980's with AIDS! This story was heart wrenching beyond words yet so powerful, like I said it changed everything.
Growing up gay in a southern conseravive baptist family was not easy by any means, telling that family I had AIDS now almost 19 years ago was no walk in the park. But I guess the brave fight for their lives, and struggle on because this guy fought the fight of his life to get to where he is today.
From poverty and a "white trash domestic violent" background I grew because I had to become who I knew I really was. I hate where I come from, I rarely speak of it, so to let all of you in is brave in my eyes--it exposes the truth and it exposes my past. Raped at 21, months after losing my first partner to AIDS and ending up in a Rehab facility because of an attempted overdose my story could be very similar to Precious' story one of extreme hardship and one of survival at all costs. From a private christian school which was not accredited by the state of Ohio, I am now a 3.3 GPA college student.
I fight to be the man I want to be,I fight to be the man I know I am---Gay, proud, educated, working in fashion and being successful beyond my wildest dreams. The beginning of that dream has begun, maybe a little late in my life but so &*^%#&% what, at least I am doing it and at least I am trying. I have a purpose, I have a passion, I have a reason to drag my ass out of bed and kids that reason is ME!
I share all of this with you because I want all of you to realize it doesn't matter what your story is, where you have been, what has happened to you and what you have survived. The story is you did survive and that yout trying to move on, getting your ass out of bed every day and moving on with your life . No matter how sick physically we are, how ill spiritually or mentally we can "still have a life" and we can still accomplish and kids that took a long time for me to realize! I want to encourage you to do the same accomplish, plan, dream and DREAM BIG . The only one that can change it is you and darlings you deserve it. Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Yesterday was a really long day, one of those that did not stop till 11:30 p.m. I had school inthe early afternoon and arrived in Kent a little early for the photoshoot so I stopped ate lunch at Wendy's you have to love their dollar menu, stopped at the fashion school library and then off I wen to meet up witht he group for the photoshoot.
I spoke with this young girl named Fawn with Modista first who was working the table they had about an upcoming fashion show they are doing. The group arrived all but my model. Now who knows what happened, i still have no idea but I stepped into brave new territory and asked Fawn to be the model and boy was she ever gracious by saying yes.
Well girl worked those sultry looks and that outift to say the least and I am indebted BIG TIME to her! So if your reading Fawn--BIG HUGS, big kisses and thanks a million. I have to get the photographs I took developed tomorrow if I can as I still have a mountain of homework. I will post them here and then let all of you know whenthe photogrpahs are up on
Good news in my worle. KSU is GOING to be offering Fashion Studio classes this summer they just need 6 people to sign up and right now they have 4 interested counting me! SO lets hope they get 2 more. When I am in the class and fall rolls around I will go from Freshman to SOPHMORE!
Last night ended with Jim and I seeing "In the Heights" at Cleveland Playhouse Square if you have not had a chance to see this show DO! It was great
I first want to share some links about the "Sew Your Love for Haiti" event that Stacy Thomas was so nice to send to me and the blog. Stacy was also the co-ordinator for the event. So Stacy if your reading this you have been the GREATEST, and I am so happy to consider you a friend. Stacy was actully the first student I met at Kent State--so it is a special friendship, even if I had not even placed. Those websites are:
I am also pleased as punch to announce that the photoshoot for Collegefashionista is TOMORROW! Thankfully it is going to be held at the Kent State Main Branch Greenhouses, so at least for awhile it will feel like we are in the tropics. It will be such a nice change from all this $%*&%$# snow we have had here lately and according to the news tonight, we are getting even more of the stuff. Guess if it keeps it up the Easter bunny is going to need Santa's sled and reindeer .
I am a little nervous about tomorrow as I have not been on a photoshoot in many years, I have directed a few in my days when I worked for Neiman Marcus like a hundred years ago, so you can see where the nerves come in. It is also exciting as then the website Collegefashionista is putting them up! All these days later it still doesn't seem real! This is the first time I have ever won anything like this in my life and I am well just pleased as punch. Meeting some of the students already in the program there at KSU was my biggest highlight and hopefully we will become fast and close friends!
My first History of Civilization II was yesterday and hopefully I think I did fairly well it has been a hard class but I am learning so much iti s unreal. Painting I is going real well and I will be doing this competition for the Canton Art Museum, waitig for my teacher to get more of the details. It has beena very busy time.
Today was my "crash day" as I call them and if you have been reading me long you know that is my day to sleep after class it has been a little rough dealing with the Fribromyalgia and the AIDS this semester but I am coping I think rather well. All in all it is the time of my life.
I just noticed today that somehow my little blog has had over 4,800 hits so I want to take the time and thank all of you for reading, responding and being part of my life--it means more to me than you may ever know. I also know that for some of you this whole fashion thing has been a huge turn away from Oz and Judy and the collecting but fashion is becoming my life with the collecting as a side bar.
Fashion was in my life way before Judy ever came into the picture and like I told the reporter from the Kent Stater Daily I have sewn since I was four years old. You can see what it than means to me being back in school for it and finishing a degree I left now almost 19 years ago when I became ill. I finally feel like I am the person I was before AIDS ever entered my life. I am just so glad I have the chance to do it and by G-d I am GOING TO!
Until next readers, I am so glad we had this time together.
Well I can't believe we are at that time of the year that Lent starts tomorrow so int he meantime kids kick up your heels and have a grand time celebrating Fat Tuesday !
The photo shoot for College is scheduled for Friday at 3 so will keep you all posted when those photgraps go up! In the meantime I buried in TONS of snow and homework.
The news said this is the snowiest year ever for Strak County and well as you can imagin I am OVER IT. So hence the near naked boys in dresses By the way don't you just love em!
Well back in November for my birthday one of my best friends bought me the "Wicked The Musical Pop Up Compendium" It was one of my best presents. It has sat in my stack of books to read and while it didn't take long I did tend to put it off. Published by Melcher Media of New York in 2009. This book is still available to find but it is rather hard to do so. It is $29.95 and was primarily at Barnes and Noble although it could be found at Borders as well.
It is 13 pages in lenght and is prmarily a lot of the dialogue from the production with thes INCREDIBLY beautiful pop ups pages plus lots of other interactive pages as well. It is way worth tryingto find it if you are a serious Oz or Wicked fan.
Well, how do I begin this blog today? So many options and I think the easiest is just go step by step as it actually happened.
Friday night after the show at 11 p.m. Stacy the co-ordinator e-mails me asking do I want tickets for Saturday night. So Jim e-mails her back and says yes. So Saturday night rolls around and we are chatting pre-show with this charming 21 year old fellow ( I am horrible with names by the way) who will be a sophmore this fall and adores designing in black and white.
Stacy a litle later comes by and says we want all the designers back stage for a final Designer's cat walk so be there before the models take there final walk. The fellow from before a little bit later says "Well I know I am the fourth to last so you and I should head back then".
I do and my model hasn't even hit the runway yet, not even the first time and off I go. So by the time I get back there the models have done their final spin and we are all standing in the dressing room. Everything is deathly quiet and the model says "You seem nervous". I say "I am very nervous, its my first runway show ever and she grabs my hand and holds it the entire time.
We are right by the stage, still backstage though and the assistant to Stacy says we need and she mentions two other names and mine to move to the front. Stacy says and the third place winner is---- which I forgot her name, I just knew it wasn't me. Second place is---- again not me!
At this point my mind is completely and utterly blank. Thinking utterly nothing, feeling utterly nothing. The model squeezes my hand hard and Stacy says "And in first place-----CHARLIE DALE"! I about died!
My heart was pounding, my breath was short and I was quaking literally in my shoes! I couldn't believe it! Still can't. Anyway all these people taking photogrpahs and all of us talking on stage. The model congratulates me and says "I knew you had placed before the show started but I didn't know where and I am so happy for you".
This girl comes up to me and asks for an interview so near the end I ask "When is it going to be on" and she says "Oh no, sweetie I am with the Kent Daily"!
Kent Daily is the college newspaper that goes out to all the Kent campuses across Ohio! I about fell over. The article is about the event and of course what we spoke about! Un-freaking-believable!
Stacy than says well "We had to give it to you because all the judges and myself ADORED what you did, it was so well constructed and we want you at the photo shoot". I said "Photo Shoot, what photoshoot"? She said "Oh sweetie, its this professional photoshoot for its part of the prize. The photographs, the web site thing and an article in the Kent Daily. I'll get a hold of you and let you know the details, congratulations you deserved it!
Still speechless we gathered up our things and were among the very last to leave the building. So I guess when I closed my post yesterday I was right...... Charlie Dale FASHIONISTA! Besides we raised money to help those suffering right now and UNICEF will help us to deliver that help to them, and I was part of it. That my friends was what it was all about!
Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together!
Well finally, I got those pictures developed of the outfit I did for the Sew Your Love For Haiti Fundraiser at KSU School of Fashion design. Let me tell you kids, the model they had got for me was FIERCE, she worked that outift llike no tomorrow! Her hair and makeup was FAB-U-LOUS and girl had an attitude which sold the outfit even more in my mind! I was the ONLY pant in the entire show which made me stand out! I was also the only designer with accesories which also made me stand out!
After being at my first fashion show I understand what they mean by a model has to know how to walk because kids some of it just wasn't pretty! Some of these poor girls never smiled, had no attitude and walked not well at all. No other way to put it, unfortunately. Maybe they were friends of the designers and never wanted to bea model because some the attitude was "I can't believe this %$*#%& and I am wearing this as well!? Maybe it was sheer nerves, maybe it was the first time they wore high heeled shoes who knows it was just off.
I was so nervous the whole night it was unreal. But than my model hit the runway and my heart flew out of my chest! The music was fabulous, the room was packed as we had a SOLD OUT crowd and when the models did the final walk it was amazing!
My outift is a Batistite top, a Chinese Silk pant that is more Magenta than burgundy, the Organza purse, head scarf and belt. The necklace is made of coral, pearl and faux findings I had laying around. Hand rolled hems and everything was a size 6. I do get the outfit back and I may have a buyer for it as well.
Anyway tonight we are going again because they announce the winners of the competition. Hopefully I place but if not oh well it was a great cause and a great night. My design on the runway! I was also asked to do another show to help raise the funds to put together the Senior Fashion Show. I get to desing what ever I want, but I need to find out more information. I said YES!
Until then Charlie Dale Fashionista has one thing to say......
The Elsie Frank House at the Leonard Florence Center for Living -- a nursing home specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender senior citizens -- opens this month in Chelsea, Mass.
Named for openly gay Congressman Barney Frank’s mother, who had been a longtime supporter of LGBT rights at the time of her death in 2005, the home marks the nation’s first Green House for LGBT elders.
"We have chosen to dedicate one of our Green Houses to the LGBT community because everyone deserves to live and receive care in a place that is filled respect for who they are, and for their dignity," Green House CEO Barry Berman told the Golden Rainbow Times. "Be assured that the staff at Elsie Frank have chosen to work with LGBT residents and we look forward to creating a strong sense of community in this house."
Ten residents will live in each of the ten condo-style houses, bringing the total number of residences in the building to 100. Each of the ten seniors living in the Elsie Frank House will have their own private bedroom and bathroom, with shared living and dining areas. The main floor of the house (called "Main Street USA") will offer a café, bakery, chapel, deli, day spa, and peace garden. The residents will not be forced to conform to mainstream institutions’ rigid meal schedules; rather, the shared kitchens will allow staff to prepare meals for the residents when they choose to eat.
Lisa Krinsky, director of the LGBT Aging Project, said that while some nursing homes have worked to become LGBT-friendly environments, she believes the Elsie Frank House is the first nursing facility designed to meet the specific needs of LGBT elders. She praised Berman for prioritizing the needs of LGBT elders in the new facility.
"We appreciate his thinking about the LGBT community and wanting to create an inclusive safe space for folks. ...We want to ensure that they’re going to be able to provide the best LGBT-focused care that they can," Krinsky told Bay Windows in 2007, after the project was first announced.
The Elsie Frank House joins a scholarship program of the same name offered by Parents, Friends, and Family of Lesbians & Gays (PGLAG), designed for high school students who have shown leadership in bettering their school’s climate for LGBT youth.
Part of the Chelsea Jewish Foundation, the Leonard Florence Center for Living will also offer specialty residences for those suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
Fashion designer Alexander McQueen has taken his own life at age 40. His office confirmed his death, saying: 'It is a tragic loss. We are not making a comment at this time out of respect for the McQueen family.' He was found at his home in London.
McQueen's store on West 14th Street in New York was was temporarily closed on Thursday morning
McQueen's secondary line, McQ, was to be presented Thursday, the day of his death, as part of New York Fashion Week. KCD, the PR company handling the show, says the presentation is canceled. Company spokeswoman Samantha Garrett said McQueen's body was found in the morning but that she had no information "in terms of circumstances."
Police did not directly comment when asked about how McQueen died, but said officers were called by the ambulance service at 10:20 a.m. (1020GMT) to an address on Green Street, in central London, and found a 40-year-old man dead. They did not name him but said next of kin had been informed.
The force said a post-mortem would be held but that the death was not being treated as suspicious.
McQueen's death came days before London Fashion Week, although he was not scheduled to show in the British capital.
McQueen, the son of a taxi driver, was born in East London in 1969. He apprenticed on Savile Row as a teenager before attending Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. It was his graduation collection that caught the eye of stylist Isabella Blow. The two became remained close friends until Blow committed suicide in May, 2007.
McQueen's sudden death robbed the fashion scene of one of its most innovative and successful young designers. He made his name first in London, then wooed audiences in Paris, New York and Milan to take his place in the upper echelons of the designing world.
His clothes were sexy and distinctive, dramatic and different, perfect for red-carpet presentations and late night rock gatherings. cclaim and honors came in waves to the talented, bearded man favored by celebrities like Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Naomi Campbell. He was named British Fashion Designer of the Year on four separate occasions.
Despite the accolades, McQueen clung tenaciously to his privacy, turning down most interview requests and shying away from the post-show limelight other designers craved. Known for his dramatic statement pieces and impeccable tailoring, he helped raise the profile of British fashion and was recognized by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003 when she made him a Commander of the British Empire for his fashion leadership.
His pieces were coveted and treasured by stylish women across the globe. McQueen influenced a whole generation of designers. His brilliant imagination knew no bounds as he conjured up collection after collection of extraordinary designs," said Alexandra Shulman, the editor of British Vogue.
Hal Rubenstein, a fashion director for InStyle magazine said McQueen started out tough and angry -- in his work and attitude -- but softened over time as he felt more appreciated by the industry. McQueen, he said, was a master of integration of technology into fashion.
"He changed the way so many of us see shows." Vivienne Westwood, perhaps Britain's most revered designer, said she was "incredibly sorry" to hear of McQueen's death.
Little was immediately known about the circumstances surrounding his death, which came as the fashion elite was gathered in New York for a series of catwalk shows.
Recently posted comments on his Twitter page showed signs of anguish over the Feb. 2 death of his mother. He said he wanted his mother to rest in peace and said, "But life must go on!" Using an obscenity, he added that he had had an "awful week" and said he had to "some how pull myself together and finish."
The designer received his early fashion training at the Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design, long recognized for its fashion-forward approach and encouragement of Britain's talented young designers.
He learned the finer points of traditional men's tailoring at two famous, conservative Savile Row houses: Anderson and Sheppard and also Gieves and Hawkes. "He was 16 when he came here," said John Hitchcock of Anderson and Sheppard. "He was a boy from Essex, he wanted to learn tailoring. He was a little bit different -- he was very ambitious." He said McQueen's success had inspired the next generation of designers.
After his Savile Row stint, McQueen started to develop his trademark, more theatrical designs, working with several other brands before first starting his own label in 1992. He quickly earned a reputation for innovation that lasted until his death. His last name soon entered the fashion lexicon and become synonymous with new and cutting edge.
The company he founded was purchased by the Gucci Group, and he retained creative control of his own brand. His runway shows -- more often like performance pieces because they were so dramatic, and sometimes, bizarre -- were always a highlight during the Paris ready-to-wear fashion week.
One of his previous collections included a show built around the concept of recycling, with models donning extravagant headwear made out of trash. His last collection, shown in October in Paris, featured elaborate and highly structured cocktail dresses. Critics raved. His edgy creations have been seen on numerous red carpets, worn by A-list actresses, including Sandra Bullock and Cameron Diaz. Lady Gaga recently made waves when she wore McQueen's spring 2010 lobster-claw shoes in her "Bad Romance" music video.
Well I know many of you are more than likely looking forward to the last of the Aunt Jane's Nieces books. It is hard to imagine that I have read through all of them, but what a wonderful trip into the mind of L. Frank Baum and into the stories themselves.
"Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross" is the last of the series under the pen name Edith Van Dyne which was published in 1915. The book like all the others was published by Reilly & Britton of Chicago and originally sold for sixty cents. This book is 256 pages in length and measures 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 and was illustrated by Norman P. Hall. The book I have is the second edition because of the additional 32 pages not included in the first print.
This book was written at the beginning of the "European War" and sends our girls Patsy, Maude and Beth along with Uncle John oversease in a hospital ship to offer neutral aid to the wounded. In 1918 the additional four chapters were added to better reflect changes in popular attitudes as America was drawn into conflict.
The four chapters included a revision of the final four pages of the prevous edition, in which a character killed in the original goes unharmed. A new character named Charlie Holmes who is a camera man from Hollywood who Maude knows from her acting career loses an arm, which is rather tinman inspired. I say that because another new character named Dr. Godrayl has done surgies replacing limbs, like the tinsmith does for tinman in Oz. There are slews of characters but somehow the charm is lost in this book.
The book plays heavily on the issues of war, the casualities and horrors of war, and by some readers in some circles maybe considered propaganda in nature. Although while being neutral in nature by caring for all the wounded it is in no doubt wanting to bring an end to the war which by some maybe considered pacifist.
While a very good read and a must if you want "the whole Aunt Jane's Nieces story" this book in my opinion should be the last one you read as by itself it does not promote the charm and wit that the other nine books do.
So until next time....... I am so glad we had this time together. has teamed up with The Fashion Student Organization at Kent State University to co-host a fashion show in order to support Haiti relief. All proceeds from this event will be donated to UNICEF. Our hope is that this event will be our way of showing that college students are dedicated to this cause. The runway designs seen at this show will be based around traditional South American garments in their culture. The event dates are scheduled to be February 12th and February 13th.
In order to prepare for the show, we have made CollegeFashionista Haiti relief shirts that will be auctioned off at the event for proceeds. In addition, we will be selling the shirts on our website for all of our readers to purchase.
If your in the area, definitely come out and attend the show. Our Kent State Gurus will be voting on the best look of the evening and we will post it for everyone to view on the site! For the rest of you, the shirts will be on the site soon for purchase. All t-shirt proceeds will be donated to the UNICEF Relief Program in Haiti
As the title suggests this Ohio gay boy is about alreay over all the &^%$#&% snow already. That big storm we had a few days ago left us with about two feet of the white stuff and today well when I went to leave to go to Kent Main Branch to deliver my finished outfit guess what it was doing? More *^%$#@& snowing the roads were a mess and driving was so slow but I arrived safely and got back home safely as well and all I can say is when the hell is summer going get here!
I was up till 2:30 a.m this morning wroking to finish my outfit and then got up at 7 to do even more before my first classes. The origanizer at the school thought it was just "too cute"! Will do my best to post pictures of it here tomorrow.
For those of you who come to the blog for the Oz stuff I have a new find to talk about. My brother found this charming little book back in November at an antique store that somehow I missed. It is the Junior Edition of "The Lost Princess of Oz". It was published by Rand McNally in 1939, is 62 pages in length and is a shortened version of the full story. A charming little tale of a stolen dishpan, Toto's bark missing, Ozma herself missing, and the Wizards potions gone! But where? Well as always I am not about to give the story away as I want you to read for yourself and enjoy the trip done the Yellow Brick Road.
The book contains ten black and white illustrations and has twleve full color plates as well. At the time I think my brotehr paid like $17.00 for this charming book. Also tomorrow look for the last review of the Aunt Jane's Nieces books as I FINALLY finished it!
Well gang, until next time..... I am so glad we had this time together.
Well the sewing is going rather well and I have set my deadline for tonight so I can deliver my outfit to Kent State tomorrow after painting class, if I can finish it by then! The hand rolled hems are taking the longest and I am going to have to see if I can get an attachment for my machine to do them by machine instead!
Classes are still going rather well, and yes there is still a mountain of homework every week but I have NEVER felt so alive in my life. Like I am really accomplishing something beyond myself. I have never been HAPPIER! To think I am not even in design classes yet . Just wait till that happens, you my readers maybe reading about fashion 24-7-365 !
Well it doesn't seem possible but I have lead a gluten free diet for a year now. You may ask yourself what the heck is he talking about. Gluten from what little I know about it is anything with wheat in it. So anything with regular wheat products is OUT. It sounds harder than it actually is.
There seems to be some research out there that says people who suffer from Fibromyalgia benefit from going gluten free and for me it has helped me tremendously. The aching and hurting at times does not seem so bad, or as severe. In the very beginning I thought, Jesus I am going to have to cut everything out. Well that just isn't the case.
There is the whole line of food that is Gluten free. Flours made with rice, flax, potato and corn and all of those products I can have. The other huge thing I did was all of my fruits and vegetables I eat fresh, NOTHING from a can as far as produce is concerned. I seem to feel better.
It seem like a huge part of the last few days I have focused on Fibromyalfgia and I feel like it is just such a huge part of my life. It makes what my life is and isn't that makes sense. The fatigue for me is one of the bigger issues of dealing with this disease. The biggest challenge though personally is the Chronic PAIN! It is on many days just unbearable. Primarily located in my limbs and chest many a day you will find me on some kind of pain killer just in order to survive the day.
Lyrica when I tried it made everything worse and I was fainting/passing out as well. My balance was so off it was not even funny so that drug is not a choice for me.
I will admit I do allow my self on gluten sin a month as I call them and most of them I can remember if you ask me. My favorite was in August when my Gluten meal was homemade linguine with clam sauce! I just had too, it was the Feast of the Assumption in Little Italy. Changing my diet seems to have helped and I know with Jim he has had tremendous results! he has lost 35 pounds in that year and all of his blood work is normal so I know there is big positives to this choice.
Well until next time gang..... I am so glad we had this time together
Between the never ending mountains of homework and the Sew For Haiti Fundraiser at KSU I have had precious little time for anything else today. Besides it seems that I am going through a rather rough spell with fatigue because of all the pressure and fibromyalgia. Tomorrow plan on doing a post about being Gluten free and is is a year anniversary since I have.
I first want to take the time and thank the responses I got on my Fibromyalgia post, it meant so much to me that someone out their in "internet land" is reading me. I also wanted to say I have heard about people lessening or "recovering" from Fibromyalgia but have not investigated it that much. I have how ever a year ago went on a gluten free diet which has helped me tremendously. I want to post more about that on Sunday as that is my one year anniversary of going gluten free.
In the meantime homework this semester has me damn near buried alive but somehow I am doing my best to try to stay at least current with it.
On a lighter note KSU is doing a fundraising event for Haiti called Sew for Haiti that is going to be gettign a lot of press and media coverage and I have decided even though I have like only 5 days to pull this off I am going to DO IT! The winner receives coverage on besides all the local stuff. So I will be doing my own version of Project Runway! 5 days plus school and a budget of $40 bucks thanks to Jim.
My finished garment WILL BE POSTED here for all to see and hopefully photos fromthe event as well. It will be the first time my stuff will EVER be on the runway---EEEECCCCKKKKK!!!!! Besides its a great cause. So until tomorrow............ I am so glad we had this time together!
You know I got to thinking yesterday about my post about Fibromyalgia and realized I may have never done a post about what exactly is it. So for those of you who are interested I found the following.
About Fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia (pronounced fy-bro-my-AL-ja) is a common and complex chronic pain disorder that affects people physically, mentally and socially. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome rather than a disease. Unlike a disease, which is a medical condition with a specific cause or causes and recognizable signs and symptoms, a syndrome is a collection of signs, symptoms, and medical problems that tend to occur together but are not related to a specific, identifiable cause.
Fibromyalgia, which has also been referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome, fibromyositis and fibrositis, is characterized by chronic widespread pain, multiple tender points, abnormal pain processing, sleep disturbances, fatigue and often psychological distress. For those with severe symptoms, fibromyalgia can be extremely debilitating and interfere with basic daily activities.
Whether you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or suffer from its symptoms, or have a family member or friend with the disorder, this section is designed to provide you with a better understanding of this chronic pain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide.
Chronic widespread body pain is the primary symptom of fibromyalgia. Most people with fibromyalgia also experience moderate to extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, sensitivity to touch, light, and sound, and cognitive difficulties. Many individuals also experience a number of other symptoms and overlapping conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, lupus and arthritis.
The pain of fibromyalgia is profound, chronic and widespread. It can migrate to all parts of the body and vary in intensity. FM pain has been described as stabbing and shooting pain and deep muscular aching, throbbing, and twitching. Neurological complaints such as numbness, tingling, and burning are often present and add to the discomfort of the patient. The severity of the pain and stiffness is often worse in the morning. Aggravating factors that affect pain include cold/humid weather, non-restorative sleep, physical and mental fatigue, excessive physical activity, physical inactivity, anxiety and stress.
In today's world many people complain of fatigue; however, the fatigue of FM is much more than being tired after a particularly busy day or after a sleepless night. The fatigue of FM is an all-encompassing exhaustion that can interfere with occupational, personal, social or educational activities. Symptoms include profound exhaustion and poor stamina
Sleep problems:
Many fibromyalgia patients have an associated sleep disorder that prevents them from getting deep, restful, restorative sleep. Medical researchers have documented specific and distinctive abnormalities in the Stage 4 deep sleep of FM patients. During sleep, individuals with FM are constantly interrupted by bursts of awake-like brain activity, limiting the amount of time they spend in deep sleep.
Other symptoms/overlapping conditions:
Additional symptoms may include: irritable bowel and bladder, headaches and migraines, restless legs syndrome (periodic limb movement disorder), impaired memory and concentration, skin sensitivities and rashes, dry eyes and mouth, anxiety, depression, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vision problems, Raynaud's Syndrome, neurological symptoms, and impaired coordination.
It has been a very long day with classes today, and than the mountain of homework so no real news here. You throw in the 4 hour nap this afternoon I had to have, and well you see why this post is so late today. I think my warning sign for a "crash day" as I call them is going to be extremely bad chest pain. The last few times where I have had the "exhausted days" I wake up with extreme chest pain, the type where your ribs just throb in agony all day. So from here on out, I am going to listen to that pain and get my rest and as much of it as I need.
May today there be peace within.
May you trust G-d that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of G-d..
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing,
Well I can't believe it but the day has finally here, and now at this time of the night it has almost passed. This is the first real chance I have had all day to sit and post. My appointment his morning was at 10 and I in typical fashion was early. I hate being late one of my pet peeves. Anyway the student advisor took me early and we talked quite a bit. I learned today exaclt waht LER's are, which ones I can take and actually have a very good idea which ones I am going to do. LER's are basically electives within a specific field. We talked alot about my past experiences, what led me to why I am here now and wanting to start something radical.
I even brought along sketches I had done some time ago for her to see, she was impressed! There is a very small possibility that I may qualify to test out of a few classes, which she is going to check out for me and will follow up with me at a later date. Testing out means I could do additional LER's that I may not otherwise have been able to do!
We spoke about some of my charity work involving clothing making and some of the people I have the great pleasure of meeting. At one point she said "You know I think you are going to be one of the main jewels in the crown of the Fashion Design Program here"! I was stunned, speechless even. We spoke about the former director of the school who I knew and considered a friend and she said "Elizabeth (thats the former director who died last year of cancer) would be so very pleased and proud"!
I left Kent State Main Campus this morning flying high and in tears. I am still all these hours later, struggling if you will with what happened. Almost like the after glow of really good drugs . I also left as a Pre-Fashion student, as right now I do not have enough credit hours to qualify as a Fashion Student. I will at the start of the summer semester, now all I have to do is get good grades this semester.
This week the school decides if they will be offering Summer Studio Classes or not. Currently they do not offer them and if they decide to offer them I will be there this summer. If not I will pick up non-studio classes that fulfill my major so there is no wasted time. The other nice thing is all of last semester qualifies toward my degree in fashion! YIPPPEEE! Well gang until tomorrow...... I am glad we had this time together!