"A Mercy" by Toni Morrison "A Mercy" by Toni Morrison |
"Aiding And Abetting" by Muriel Spark |
"Alec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me & Other trials from My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford "Alec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me & Other trials from My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford |
"All Families Are Psychotic" by Douglas Coupland "All Families Are Psychotic" by Douglas Coupland |
"An Ideal Husband" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in) "An Ideal Husband" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in) |
"Beloved" by Toni Morrison "Beloved" by Toni Morrison |
"Best Gay Eroptica 2011" by Blair Mastbaum "Best Gay Eroptica 2011" by Blair Mastbaum |
"Borrowed Time" by Paul Monette "Borrowed Time" by Paul Monette |
"Bound" by Sally Gunning "Bound" by Sally Gunning |
"Captain Salt in Oz" by Ruth Thompson "Captain Salt in Oz" by Ruth Thompson |
"Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer" Maya Angelou "Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer" Maya Angelou |
"Changing Tides" by Michael Thomas Ford "Changing Tides" by Michael Thomas Ford |
"Connections: A Boys' Love Anthology" by Kellie Lynch "Connections: A Boys' Love Anthology" by Kellie Lynch |
"Courage In Patience" by Beth Fehlbaum "Courage In Patience" by Beth Fehlbaum |
"Dancer From The Dance" Andrew Holleran (for a class I am in) "Dancer From The Dance" Andrew Holleran |
"de Profundis" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in) "de Profundis" Oscar Wilde |
"Divas Las Vegas" by Rob Rosen "Divas Las Vegas" by Rob Rosen |
"Dizzy City" by Nicholas Griffin "Dizzy City" by Nicholas Griffin |
"For One More Day" Mitch Albom "For One More Day" Mitch Albom |
"Halfway Home" by Paul Monette (for a class I am in) "Halfway Home" by Paul Monette |
"Handy Mandy of Oz" by Ruth Thompson "Handy Mandy of Oz" by Ruth Thompson |
"Herland" Charlotte Perkins Gilman --for a class I am in "Herland" Charlotte Perkins Gilman --for a class I am in |
"Hot Valley" by James Lear "Hot Valley" by James Lear |
"It's Not Mean If It's True: MoreTrails From My Queer Life by Michael Thomas Ford "It's Not Mean If It's True: MoreTrails From My Queer Life by Michael Thomas Ford |
"Lady Windermere's Fan" by Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in) "Lady Windermere's Fan" by Oscar Wilde |
"Love" by Toni Morrison "Love" by Toni Morrison |
"Magical Monarch Of Mo" L. Frank Baum (MP3 audio book) "Magical Monarch Of Mo" L. Frank Baum (MP3 audio book) |
"Mary Louise and Josie Gorman" by Edith Van Dyne (L. Frank Baum alias) "Mary Louise and Josie Gorman" by Edith Van Dyne (L. Frank Baum alias) |
"Mary Louise" by L. Frank Baum (audio book 3rd reading) "Mary Louise" by L. Frank Baum (audio book 3rd reading) |
"Master Key" by L. Frank Baum ( audio book 2nd reading) "Master Key" by L. Frank Baum ( audio book 2nd reading) |
"Maurice" E.M. Forester (for a class I am in) "Maurice" E.M. Forester |
"Now You See Him" by Eli Gottlieb "Now You See Him" by Eli Gottlieb |
"Perfect Peace" by Daniel Black "Perfect Peace" by Daniel Black |
"Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou |
"Potrait of Dorian Grey" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in) "Potrait of Dorian Grey" Oscar Wilde |
"Strangers' Gate" by Tom Casey "Strangers' Gate" by Tom Casey |
"Take One Candle Light A Room" by Susan Straight "Take One Candle Light A Room" by Susan Straight |
"Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll" by Paul Monette "Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll" by Paul Monette |
"The Bluest Eyes" by Toni Morrison "The Bluest Eyes" by Toni Morrison |
"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker (my 39th reading) "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker (my 39th reading) |
"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett |
"The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in) "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde |
"The Kid" by Sapphire "The Kid" by Sapphire |
"The Little Boof Of Neurosis:Ongoing Trials From My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks "The Little Boof Of Neurosis:Ongoing Trials From My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford |
"The Low Road" by James Lear "The Low Road" by James Lear |
"The Men With The Pink Triangle" by Heinz Heger "The Men With The Pink Triangle" by Heinz Heger |
"The Scalawagons Of Oz" by John R. Neill "The Scalawagons Of Oz" by John R. Neill |
"The Secret Tunnel" by James Lear "The Secret Tunnel" by James Lear |
"The Voices of AIDS: 12 Unforgettable People Talk About How AIDS Has Changed Their Lives" by Michael Thomas Ford "The Voices of AIDS: 12 Unforgettable People Talk About How AIDS Has Changed Their Lives" by Michael Thomas Ford |
"The Well Of Loneliness" Radclyffe Hall (for a class I am in) "The Well Of Loneliness" Radclyffe Hall ( |
"Tomorrow" by Graham Swift "Tomorrow" by Graham Swift |
"Transition:The Story of How I Became a Man" Chaz Bono "Transition:The Story of How I Became a Man" Chaz Bono |
"Unwrapped: Erotic Holiday Tales" edited by Eric Summers "Unwrapped: Erotic Holiday Tales" edited by Eric Summers |
"What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" by E. Lynn Harris "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" by E. Lynn Harris |
"What Every Woman Needs... Househusband" by Ad Hudler "What Every Woman Needs... Househusband" by Ad Hudler |