According to

According to
According to the 01/09/11

Saturday, December 31, 2011

What I read this year and end of the year things

If I counted right I read 71 books this year, yes 71 books...its unbelievable isn't it.  But I love to read, probably one of my favorite things to do.  I know there be some interest in what I read, and their maybe not but hopefully this will give you some insight more into me as a person, a gay man, a reader and a writer.  Dr. Miltner, a writing teacher, I have says "In order to write well, you must read a lot."  I think I do, maybe more than the average person but there is something about getting lost in a world that you choose to read about and become apart of.

If I were to ask my readers of this blog for anything, not that I am asking for more than you just coming to visit it would be visit my attachment here and buy me books, I have a massive wish list but hey in all seriousness I am just thankful that you read me and have read this going on for five years this coming year.  It means a lot.  The blog has changed so much in that time and hopefully you still enjoy coming back and hopefully everyday.  I think the news things I post you should be aware about, I still post as much fashion as I can especially in regards to menswear because I don't think many people do it. I still post my "eyecandy" as some would say because I know so many of you come just for that.
This year has been a hard one-- my hospital stay in April was really, really rough, the recovery was very slow and they still have not found exactly what is wrong with my chest or balance, but hey I am still going.  It also saw me finding four small white matter brain spots ion the right side, which for the time being the doctor has said is "long-term HIV progression" 
This year also saw my mother having four small mini-strokes in five months which, well have left her a shell of what she was, and she is only 65.  That has been the hardest thing this year to deal with watching my mother slowly fade away, lord knows what next year holds for her.
School has been fantastic, my grades other than Algebra 1 and 2 tis summer have all been A's and B's, while both Algebra classes hard as they were--were C's my lowest grades to date and I worked my rear-end of for C's never having had Algebra before.  There are somethings I wish I could talk about here, but I still feel four months into it I can not as it is still to painful to even mention but it has brought some awareness about that I did not have before.  Finally I am thankful above all that this July 2012 will se me living 21 years with AIDS, another milestone and 2012 will bring me one year closer to a 2013 Spring Graduation from Kent State.  I have been blessed in many ways, and in many ways I am very thankful.
To you my readers--may your news years be blessed and sacred--till I see you next year!

" I Am A Woman" by Ann Bannon
"A Mercy" by Toni Morrison

"A Mercy" by Toni Morrison
"Aiding And Abetting" by Muriel Spark
"Alec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me & Other trials from My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford

"Alec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me & Other trials from My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford
"All Families Are Psychotic" by Douglas Coupland

"All Families Are Psychotic" by Douglas Coupland
"An Ideal Husband" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in)

"An Ideal Husband" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in)
"Beloved" by Toni Morrison

"Beloved" by Toni Morrison
"Best Gay Eroptica 2011" by Blair Mastbaum

"Best Gay Eroptica 2011" by Blair Mastbaum
"Borrowed Time" by Paul Monette

"Borrowed Time" by Paul Monette
"Bound" by Sally Gunning

"Bound" by Sally Gunning
"Captain Salt in Oz" by Ruth Thompson

"Captain Salt in Oz" by Ruth Thompson
"Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer" Maya Angelou

"Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer" Maya Angelou
"Changing Tides" by Michael Thomas Ford

"Changing Tides" by Michael Thomas Ford
"Connections: A Boys' Love Anthology" by Kellie Lynch

"Connections: A Boys' Love Anthology" by Kellie Lynch
"Courage In Patience" by Beth Fehlbaum

"Courage In Patience" by Beth Fehlbaum
"Dancer From The Dance" Andrew Holleran (for a class I am in)

"Dancer From The Dance" Andrew Holleran
"de Profundis" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in)

"de Profundis" Oscar Wilde
"Divas Las Vegas" by Rob Rosen

"Divas Las Vegas" by Rob Rosen
"Dizzy City" by Nicholas Griffin

"Dizzy City" by Nicholas Griffin
"For One More Day" Mitch Albom

"For One More Day" Mitch Albom
"Halfway Home" by Paul Monette (for a class I am in)

"Halfway Home" by Paul Monette
"Handy Mandy of Oz" by Ruth Thompson

"Handy Mandy of Oz" by Ruth Thompson
"Herland" Charlotte Perkins Gilman --for a class I am in

"Herland" Charlotte Perkins Gilman --for a class I am in
"Hot Valley" by James Lear

"Hot Valley" by James Lear
"It's Not Mean If It's True: MoreTrails From My Queer Life by Michael Thomas Ford

"It's Not Mean If It's True: MoreTrails From My Queer Life by Michael Thomas Ford
"Lady Windermere's Fan" by Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in)

"Lady Windermere's Fan" by Oscar Wilde
"Love" by Toni Morrison

"Love" by Toni Morrison
"Magical Monarch Of Mo" L. Frank Baum (MP3 audio book)

"Magical Monarch Of Mo" L. Frank Baum (MP3 audio book)
"Mary Louise and Josie Gorman" by Edith Van Dyne (L. Frank Baum alias)

"Mary Louise and Josie Gorman" by Edith Van Dyne (L. Frank Baum alias)
"Mary Louise" by L. Frank Baum (audio book 3rd reading)

"Mary Louise" by L. Frank Baum (audio book 3rd reading)
"Master Key" by L. Frank Baum ( audio book 2nd reading)

"Master Key" by L. Frank Baum ( audio book 2nd reading)
"Maurice" E.M. Forester (for a class I am in)

"Maurice" E.M. Forester
"Now You See Him" by Eli Gottlieb

"Now You See Him" by Eli Gottlieb
"Perfect Peace" by Daniel Black

"Perfect Peace" by Daniel Black
"Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou

"Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou
"Potrait of Dorian Grey" Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in)

"Potrait of Dorian Grey" Oscar Wilde
"Strangers' Gate" by Tom Casey

"Strangers' Gate" by Tom Casey
"Take One Candle Light A Room" by Susan Straight

"Take One Candle Light A Room" by Susan Straight
"Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll" by Paul Monette

"Taking Care of Mrs. Carroll" by Paul Monette
"The Bluest Eyes" by Toni Morrison

"The Bluest Eyes" by Toni Morrison
"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker (my 39th reading)

"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker (my 39th reading)
"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett
"The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (for a class I am in)

"The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde
"The Kid" by Sapphire

"The Kid" by Sapphire
"The Little Boof Of Neurosis:Ongoing Trials From My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford

"The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks
"The Little Boof Of Neurosis:Ongoing Trials From My Queer Life" Michael Thomas Ford
"The Low Road" by James Lear

"The Low Road" by James Lear
"The Men With The Pink Triangle" by Heinz Heger

"The Men With The Pink Triangle" by Heinz Heger
"The Scalawagons Of Oz" by John R. Neill

"The Scalawagons Of Oz" by John R. Neill
"The Secret Tunnel" by James Lear

"The Secret Tunnel" by James Lear
"The Voices of AIDS: 12 Unforgettable People Talk About How AIDS Has Changed Their Lives" by Michael Thomas Ford

"The Voices of AIDS: 12 Unforgettable People Talk About How AIDS Has Changed Their Lives" by Michael Thomas Ford
"The Well Of Loneliness" Radclyffe Hall (for a class I am in)

"The Well Of Loneliness" Radclyffe Hall (
"Tomorrow" by Graham Swift

"Tomorrow" by Graham Swift
"Transition:The Story of How I Became a Man" Chaz Bono

"Transition:The Story of How I Became a Man" Chaz Bono
"Unwrapped: Erotic Holiday Tales" edited by Eric Summers

"Unwrapped: Erotic Holiday Tales" edited by Eric Summers
"What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" by E. Lynn Harris

"What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" by E. Lynn Harris
"What Every Woman Needs... Househusband" by Ad Hudler

"What Every Woman Needs... Househusband" by Ad Hudler


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