Well I saw yesterday the urologist and I am scheduled Friday for actual surgery, apparently they do not want to waste anytime fooling around. I found out the stones are 7 and 8 millimeters in size and when most people pass them they are no more than a 4 in size. The other thing in regard to them is that they are positioned in such away that the "water blasting" that at times is done, is not possible so its actual surgery. They go up in you with a scope, crush them and then pull them out. While in you they are going to temporarily leave a plastic stint as the thingy the pee goes through usually collapses when they remove stones of this size.
The plastic stint is left in long enough for this thingy to heal itself around it and keep the shape its suppose to and then its another procedure to have it removed. Honestly, I am a little scared but I also know it could have been much worse, and because it is not I am thankful and grateful. Not sure about the time yet on Friday as the doctors office has not called back but it is done at

One other thing I found out is that he is 90% sure they are caused by the medications I am on and that I am not drinking nearly enough water and because of that the medications as they "dissolve" turn into this gooey glop of gunk that then turns into crystals that have calcium in them and they then in turn into stones. So I have to drink more water to help prevent this from happening again. The thing is out of all the times I have had these this is the first doctor that has said this. At least now I know, and can do something about it.
The dresses for the doll for the church raffle are almost done, have to buy baby socks and shoes yet and finish the bear to go with it but should have that done by the deadline. I am also working on patterns for a secret collaboration with an other artist. It is three glamorous dresses, one of which is going to be made from antique material, but don't want to say more than that as I want the other artist to reveal it all when it is all done, so keep posted.
Hope all of you are well and know that you are in my thoughts.
I know you guys more than likely know the words to this as well as I do, so join me and sing along and for wondering minds yes this "queen" is dancing in the corner to it